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Dont Snub It
Citation:   peterjunk. "Dont Snub It: An Experience with Methadone (exp94007)". Oct 1, 2022.

10 - 15 mg oral Methadone (liquid)
Dont Snub Methadone

My name is P. And I'm from Italy, so excuse me for my poor English.

When I was 21 years old I used to use heroin but because of high price and poor quality I decided to stop using it. At the same time, though, I love opioids too much and I don't want to renounce to their effect. So I decided to start using pharmaceutical opioids and here in Italy there is no oxycodone or similar. I was limited in choices between methadone and buprenorphine (subutex) and I choose methadone.

Now, before taking it I consulted several experience reports, and I was confused. Some of them say methadone is not good to get high and just feels 'normal', while others say it gives a good high. At the time I was scared to buy methadone and to get nothing good with it, but at the time I was clean from heroin for several months so I was like an opiate-naive.

Finally I bought a little bottle of methadone from a junkie, it was 5 mg of methadone per ml of liquid, it was transparent and it tastes like lemon and sugar or something like that.

I decided to take 2 ml of liquid, that is 10 mg of methadone, which I understand it is the base dosage for an opiate naive. It takes about 30 minutes / 1 hour to start feeling something, and 3 to 4 hours to get the full effect.

When I reached the peak effect I just thought 'wow! Why do people snub methadone?'. Surely it is not like heroin but it is definitively worth it and its effect is pretty enjoyable. Really, I don't understand who says methadone has no high potential, its effect is very similar to other opiates, with a beautiful sense of wellbeing and happiness, with the advantage of being very long lasting but at the same time it won't let me look like a junkie or stop me from doing common life things like working or going to school. The other advantage is the price, a 120 ml bottle costs nothing and lasts a long time, being the dosage about 10 - 15 mg (2 - 3 ml). The second time I tried to take 15 mg and the effect was more similar to heroin, so I thought to try 20 mg but being a penny-pincher I chose to stop at 15 mg so that I have more doses with a single bottle.

The biggest disadvantage of methadone is that, because of its long lasting effect, physical addiction starts early, just a week, and withdrawals last forever. With 3 weeks use my withdrawals were presents after 1 month, with mostly psychological effects like depression.

Psychological addiction, in contrast, is much more manageable than that of IV heroin.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94007
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Oct 1, 2022Views: 616
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