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Citation:   flyinghorses. "Mindless: An Experience with Acepromazine (exp94081)". Nov 9, 2022.

  smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (daily)
  37.5 mg oral Acepromazine (pill / tablet)
I had six 25 mg tabs of acepromazine maleate that I got a hold of, because I knew I wouldn't have any opiates tonight. This was my first time trying this drug. I went off of the animal dose, which is 0.25-1 mg/lb, but less than the low end is usually used with good effect in dogs and cats. I tried looking on the internet before I took it, and all I got was 'don't take drugs meant for animals, super dangerous', but knowing that almost every single drug given to animals is given to humans, in the exact same formulations, I decided to take the risk. I do not know about long term effects of this drug or effects of taking this drug at high doses.

I took the pills at 7:00 pm, and felt effects from 7:30 pm until about 9:00 pm

At first I got overwhelmingly tired, but I was already laying down on the couch. For about an hour I did not want to move. I could have moved, but I was just content. I smoke almost a pack a day, most of the cigarettes being at night and when I take pills, and I had no desire to have one. I was not hungry or thirsty, I had a glass of red wine in front of me but it just smelled funny. My pupils were dilated and my mind was blank. It was impossible to even think, I had no relevant mind processes for about 20 minutes. The TV was on but I kept finding myself staring at the wall.

I took this stuff because I get that tight-chest anxiety when I don't have opiates, and I knew I would be without them tonight. Overall, the ace kept me calm, gave me something to occupy my mind and body for a few hours. I think that I might try doubling the dose and see where that takes me....

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94081
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 9, 2022Views: 786
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Acepromazine (774) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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