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Greatest Feeling of My Life
Citation:   kittens. "Greatest Feeling of My Life: An Experience with MDMA (exp94099)". Jun 15, 2020.

1 tablet oral Melatonin
    oral Vitamins / Supplements
  37 mg oral MDMA
  38 mg oral MDMA
A friend and I shared a 150 mg capsule of pure MDMA and split it evenly, 75 mg each. I, at first, was hesitant, mostly because of the research I did before. I read that the coming up could be painful and scary, so I made sure to take the necessary precautions before to avoid that. I took one Tums, a pill of melatonin, and a multivitamin. My friend also brought citric acid.

My friend placed our doses into our own gel caps, but since I didn't want to take the entire pill at once, I poured half of the powder into a piece of toilet paper, and ingested it like that. I sat in the living room with a group of friends and about 10 minutes in I could feel the drug taking its course, but it wasn't as powerful. I felt the need to touch stuff and certain colors stood out to me. Wanting to feel the full effect, I took the rest of the pill, using the same process I mentioned before. Thirty minutes from that dose is when it finally hit me. And it hit me pretty hard. I remember just talking to my friends, then started screaming. Nothing was scary or life threatening, it was just the fact that everything came together at once. When the whole room just stared at me awkwardly is when I finally came to normal, and accepted the fact that the pill had finally hit.

I told one of my friends to turn on the radio, and I couldn't resist dancing in my chair to all of the familiar songs. But once a song that I loved came on, I found myself in the corner dancing to myself. I must admit it was pretty funny. I then became upset that the radio stations were playing the same songs over and over, so I started playing my own music. Listening to songs I enjoy the most really set me off. I was literally jumping around the room like a maniac. And I'm not the type of person to love dancing, but I danced until I felt out of breath. Becoming bored, I suggested we take a walk outside.

We didn't go far, but stayed in the courtyard outside of my room. Half of my friends stayed inside, and with the need to get their attention, I started screaming lyrics to one of our favorite songs. I didn't get them to come to the window, however, everyone else in the building peered outside to see what was going on. I didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed like I usually do when I'm caught doing something out of the norm, I just laughed it off. As we sat outside, the grass seemed unusually green, like cartoonish green. It was very beautiful. And as my friends came to the window I couldn't help but to shout 'hi!' It was a very calming and elated feeling, just spending bonding time with my friends.

As the night came to an end, my boyfriend came over as a surprise. While in my room, we made out, and the make out sessions were one of a kind. It's almost as if the E were directing me how to kiss. We talked the entire night, and his touch and grasp on my body made everything make sense. I found my place and I was happy. Nothing could possibly bring me down. I learned more things about him, and more things about myself. It was the best feeling in the world.

The drug lasted about 5 hours, which surprised me since it was such a small dose, but the come down wasn't so fun. My stomach began turning, and my mind felt discombobulated. I remember complaining to my boyfriend that my thoughts were taking over my mind, and that although my body felt fatigued, my mind wanted to do a million things. The thoughts that invaded my head were beginning to annoy me, mostly because I couldn't control them. They weren't bad thoughts, just questions as to why does such and such happen, and other petty stuff. My boyfriend basically had to help guide me to stay on one topic. It then felt like my brain was melting, and that I was going on a downward spiral, but then suddenly, a burst of elation filled me and I couldn't help but kiss him, and have him feed me compliments. These bursts happened for the remainder of the night, but only lasted about 1-2 minutes.

The tiredness finally hit me, but I couldn't sleep. It was annoying. But the next thing I know I knocked out, for a substantial amount of time too. When I awoke, I began to question if everything actually happened, mostly because I didn't notice my boyfriend leave (he left me a note saying he had to go back to his place and that I mumbled a couple of words to him as he left, although I don't remember this). I still felt elated and lovey, and really needed a cuddle session with him.

I must say E has helped me realize who I am, what life is really about, and that the petty things I stressed out about, really weren't worth my time and energy. The effort I put into worrying that life isn't going how I want it could be easily changed into positive energy to make sure my life stays on the right track.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94099
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 15, 2020Views: 723
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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