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A Buzzing Sleepy Happiness
Damiana & Tobacco
Citation:   Bio Bimbo. "A Buzzing Sleepy Happiness: An Experience with Damiana & Tobacco (exp94144)". Erowid.org. Jul 31, 2019. erowid.org/exp/94144

2 Tbsp oral Damiana (tea)
  5 - 6 hits smoked Damiana  
  3 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Damiana Dreaming

It was just before Christmas, so me and my husband were getting ready for the party season. I was feeling upbeat and excited because we'd finally managed to finish unpacking from our move about a year ago, and Christmas was looking like it was going to be really fun because my husband's mother was going to stay with his sister so we wouldn't have to look after her (she's not that old at all, but she can be a bit of a kill joy - not like my parents who are cool).

We were buying some x25 salvia because I had been playing around with x10, and I had really enjoyed it, but I was after a more intense experience, and while we were shopping online we noticed the Damiana, which was quite cheap, so we thought ok, let's try that too.

We love tea, and some of the info online said it was best smoked in a pipe while being drunk as a tea, so I made tea with about 2 tbsp of Damiana leaves and let it steep for about 5 minutes, the same as I might for a nice delicate green tea. While we were waiting for it to steep, I decided it might be fun to try some in our new bong which we got for smoking salvia.

I cleared the bowl in one hit, and immediately I noticed the pleasant taste (how I imagine smoking Lady Grey tea might taste - lovely) very floral. There wasn't much of a lingering smell in the room either. I started drinking my tea, and then I kept alternating tea and bong hits of Damiana. I think I did about 5 or 6 hits, and drunk 2 cups of the tea with some honey. It tasted very pleasant, but I didn't think that I was feeling any effects as such until I went to hop up off the couch and go sit outside on the deck to watch the sunset and chain smoke.

When I stood up, I felt a buzzing sleepy happiness spreading out from my chest to the extremities of my body. Imagine the sound of bees on a warm summer's day when I can hear the sound of the waves in the middle distance. It was kind of like that. I felt incredibly relaxed, centered, calm and my limbs felt heavy, languid and fluid, as if my blood had been replaced by some sweet and viscous liquid. I really really enjoyed smoking my cigarettes, and the tobacco seamed to go very well with the Damiana. I even tried rolling them up for a nice smoke, it was very light on my lungs, but the smoke volume was huge.

I'm not sure how long the high might have lasted; after a few hours I was feeling quite sleepy and by 9 I was in bed dozing contentedly. When I did get to sleep I had beautifully vivid and surreal dreams, and was quite lucid about the fact that they were dreams and I was in control of them. When I woke up I was quite hungry and thirsty. I felt like I hadn't slept much at all. I guess since my brain was so active it didn't get much of a chance to chill out, so I was a bit tired all of the next day, but over all I would say it was a pretty worthwhile experience. I have heaps left, so I think I am going to try smoking it with tobacco some more.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94144
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 1,215
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Damiana (107) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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