A Journey Into Conciousness
Citation:   Xetxuna. "A Journey Into Conciousness: An Experience with 2C-I (exp94178)". Erowid.org. Jun 10, 2018. erowid.org/exp/94178

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral 25I-NBOMe (capsule)
  T+ 1:10 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Unknown  
T+0.00 (8.38pm) - I ingest the white/ivory colored powder (crystals) in a clear capsule with some ice cold water. (Let the time open thy mind)

T+0.44 (9.22pm) - I am reasonably sure a wave of wonder passed over me... leaned forward a bit, the chair squeaked. Was it more intense? or was that... hmm..

T+1.10 (9.48pm) - Smoking bowl increased waves, slower yet constant now..

T+2... That can't just be the red light... can it..? Things have a surreal feeling to them all of a sudden... colors shifted

T+2.10 The silicon spikes on my red light bulb begin hovering in a breathing manner, as though they are hovering between layers of reality, into and then above of the bulb.. I figured that if i put my hand near it or looked directly at an area it would stop. To my amazement it kept doing this with no affect from my hand reaching out to it, or my direct gaze.

T+2+ Just had the most profound experience of my life.. (I just felt that as though the very periods of that scentence were poked into my skin wow) Thanks to Circus by STS9 and AudioSurf for visual flow, I felt as though I was reborn in a sense. I couldn't help but have tears in my eyes, the whole time. I began to possess control over the color of what was on screen simply by feeding emotion into it. Time is disregaurded as important seeing as though the dilation of it currently is immense. That single song though it is only 10min felt like an hour or more, I'm not sure... time began to stand still altogether fading into irrelevancy.

T+2+? Smoke break... The cool air is soothing, the stars have a reality to them that makes everything else around me seem synthetic and fake..

T+3 I return to my room unsure of what I wish to do after such a peak of emotion & thought. After reaching my bed and feeling the now incredibly soft surface of the microfiber blanket atop it's surface I can't resist the comfort abound and proceed to lay down.

T+ Hours later I awake to a headache only after I stand up, it's one that only presents itself once motion is applied to the brain. Like a congestion headache. After remedying it with some headache meds, the day had a slight glow about it. As if I now knew something others could only wish to ever comprehend.

All in all, the total experience far surpassed what effect I imagined from such a small amount of the substance. I'm glad to say I greatly enjoyed the complete journey. Not once did I feel a sense of fear.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94178
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 10, 2018Views: 540
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