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The Hippy Acid Eyeball Test
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   dopeface IV. "The Hippy Acid Eyeball Test: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp94191)". Mar 8, 2017.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  1 drop ocular LSD (liquid)
Walking down dimly lit streets up to our dealer's appartment we rendezvous with a group of people who were heading to the same appartment, for the same reasons. Business is booming in the wonderfuck world of acid, I suppose?

So were sittin in the dealers living room with some of his friends, hitting the bong, waiting for him to lead us into his kitchen to complete our purchase. Finally he does and my buddy M takes a drop as the dealer tells us how he enjoys taking the drop to his eye? The way he explained it, I could tell he wanted to perform it on one of us, yet neither of my friends were willing and I was moneyless. My other friend J just buys his tab to save and JUST before departing J asks me 'hey man, I'll buy you a drop if you want one?'

As soon as the sentence kissed my ears I knew what had to be done. I looked that dealer straight in the face and said 'fuck it, gimme a drop to the eye.' His eyes lit up like a kid on christmas morning as he dribbled a bit right on my Eyeball. I knew he was begging for someone to take his challenged. It burned a bit and as my eye watered he had my wipe up my acid tears and eat them for full effect... OH. DAMN.

20 minutes after dosing: felt 'stoned' no visuals but could definitely feel more than just the weed at this point.

45 minutes: visual distortion, check. High off my acid ass, check. Uppity speedy feeling, check. I was well on my way, though at this point I thought it wasnt going to get much more intense for it had almost been a full hour and I wasnt feeling TOO trippy... Alas, I was wrong.

1 hour: dear lord am I high! We smoked before heading into my friend Cs house (he was our sitter along with J). But this high was much more than the bongsmoke could get me. Things are shifty and vibrating and I am finally at a level well worth taking a hit to the dome. But it didnt stop there, I was still heading straight up to the peak!

1.5-2 hours: drawing was very difficult as the lines I drew kept shifting around, making it difficult to add on to my artwork, M was in his own world, listening to music and zoning out. This is when I knew I'd peaked. A face was smirking at me from the corners of the room and occasionally it would jump out and float around, on its teeth 'AcidAcidAcid' was written across in purple lettering. The face would change into different people I knew and sometimes even me, always keeping that same, malevolent smirk. Walls took on the consistancy of jello and I could see every single blue, purple and green vein in my arm when I looked at it long enough. Wtf you doin cid?

3 hours after dosing: it was now about 2am and my trip showed no signs of letting up, save the occasional drop in intensity
3 hours after dosing: it was now about 2am and my trip showed no signs of letting up, save the occasional drop in intensity
, its almost as if my brain is taking a break from the madness, I've come to enjoy the drops almost as much as the peaks. I layed across the floor with my eyes closed, experiencing visions. Me and M concluded that acid was able to delve into the deep, egoless depths of the human imagination. Virtually an imaginitive playground of potential. My visions had no bias, I went from falling down a tunnel of skulls to witnessing devils and angels fighting for control of the heavens. At one point I witnessed an image that inspired a drawing of mine, it was a silhouette of me blowing smoke, the smoke covered my face and in the smoke you could see eyes and mouths that made up a rather creepy version of my face. I experienced kaleidoscopes, tunnels, and other such images. Auditory hallucinations were also creeping in as whispers. It felt as if someone was whispering sorts of acid propaganda into my skull? I got a laugh at the creepy vibe.

5 hours after dosing: 4am and I can finally say it's letting up. Me and M are laying on Cs floor in a dark room. I enjoyed tripping in the dark on 2C-P, as I felt it coaxed out the more realistic, mescaline side of the visuals, yet on acid it lacked vibrance; but Cid never fails to entertain. We spoke nonsense and laughed through the night. At one point I got up to go to the bathroom and as I reentered the room my vision tunneled into complete darkness for a good 30 seconds! In knew it wasn't my eyes adjusting to The darkness because as it happened I was looking down, watching where I stepped and my friend's computer charger's LED light was in the center of my field of vision and it simply disappeared... Craziness!

8 hours: I'm pretty close to sleep and coming down, finally. The dealer told me dropping in the eye makes for a more intense peak but doesn't last quite as long. I'd say that's pretty damn accurate. And as I reflect on my trip I picked up on how illusive and spontaneous acid is. Infinite potential. Normally my trips carry a theme to me but acid was all over the damn place. From controversial propaganda to religious visions of death and glory. My first trip on LSD came up very disappointing. It just seemed visually and spiritually bare. This experience let me in on a bit of his true power.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94191
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 8, 2017Views: 1,821
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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