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Welcome to Dream World
Dreaming, Cannabis & Pharmaceutical Combo
Citation:   Hippiexchild. "Welcome to Dream World: An Experience with Dreaming, Cannabis & Pharmaceutical Combo (exp94209)". May 3, 2016.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (daily)
  2 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem  
  6 mg oral Pharms - Eszopiclone  
  5 mg oral Melatonin  
  40 mg oral Pharms - Baclofen  
  50 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
  200 mg oral Hydroxyzine (daily)
2mg Blunts smoke repeatedly 20mg 6mg 5mg 40mg 50mg 100mg

Xanax Cannabis Ambien Lunesta Melatonin Baclofen Diphenhydramine Vistaril

Insomnia is pretty awful. I'd really hope there are people out there that do not have it worse then I do. This report is going to sound crazy.. But I must get this out there to other who are interested in
making your dreams your reality. At first, I took all these medicines because my brain just wasn't wanting to shut down for sleep. I've been going through suboxone withdrawals for a while now. I need my sleep, or I'll go crazy. The dreamworld is the only time I don't have any anxiety.

So here is how it all started. I had been taking the vistaril for anxiety. Being that I'm a recovering drug addict, my doctor wouldn't give me anything good for anxiety. I had been taking the baclofen, Melotonin, and Diphenhydramine at night just so I could sleep for about 6-7 hours. Cause once I woke up, I couldn't go back to sleep.

I recently just started buying xanax off the street to suppress my anxiety. I haven't been abusing it really.. I need it to smoke bud, or I go crazy pretty much. Bud and Xanax are the only thing keeping me from going back to DXM, a drug that ruined my life forever.
Bud and Xanax are the only thing keeping me from going back to DXM, a drug that ruined my life forever.
The cravings are horrible. I just want to go to every store possible and steal all the coricidin possible. I used to love Coricidin so much... But things went downhill.

So my drug addiction doctor gives me lunesta to help me sleep, since I'm not on the suboxone anymore. I didn't think that would be enough, so I went to ask my family doctor to give me something to help me sleep. He prescribed me a week's worth of ambien after I begged and pleaded with him.

Me, being the recovering drug addict I am, wanted to take them all at once. But nope, I wanted to get some good sleep for once in my life. And boy did I ever get some good sleep that night..

Here is where it really gets interesting. I took all my normal medication, and then the ambien and lunesta. I lay back in the bed and close my eyes. After about 15 minutes give or take, I started to feel drowsy in my body, but not in my mind. My body was completely at ease, but my mind was still awake for some reason. So I took some more lunesta and ambien. After another 15 minutes, weird things start to happen. Everything in my house starts waving back and forth. Moving, and breathing. I put my hand on the wall, and I can actually feel it moving! Not to mention when I laid back in the bed, the bed would feel as if it was moving back and forth. It was the most comfortable thing I've ever felt.. I felt like I was on some ship sailing away to a small island. I was in total shock. I wanted to stay up and see how much further this would go.. But then it hit me real hard. I became so drowsy I could barely sit up anymore. So I laid down to go to sleep.. Nothing could prepare me for what awaited for me in dream land.

I remember almost exactly every dream I had that night.. And the weird part is, It felt like it was really happening! Normally, I know I'm dreaming, and I try to control it, because of the melatonin. The dreams I had, I had to make actual decisions on stuff for the good of others. They felt so real. I would have my normal emotions in these dreams as well. It was only until I woke up the next morning I discovered none of it was real.. And I was super pissed off.. I seen my ex girlfriend in one dream.. She died in 2006.. We hugged and talked for a while. I miss that dream so bad.. I cried for a bit after I had woken up.. Cause I know I'll never see her again. Why couldn't I just stay in that dream for the rest of my life? I mean, I actually felt her touch, and smelled her hair! This has gotten me wanting to try this combination again.. It was probably the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.. Just to see her face up close one more time. She didn't deserve what happened to her.. God I miss her so much.. If she wouldn't have died, I'd probably have died of doing drugs. Cause I made a promise to her one night on the phone while tripping that I would stop. She was crying on the phone while I was tripping too hard on DXM. My friend, who wasn't tripping as hard as me actually convinced her I was serious, when I wasn't. I thought I had all the time in the world to stop tripping, and doing drugs and make it up to her...

Anyways.. Overall, it was the best sleep I'd ever had in my life.. I never wanted it to end. Could you imagine the possibility of this sort of dreaming?

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94209
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 3, 2016Views: 2,950
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DXM (22), Dreams (85) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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