Definitely Something
Salvia apiana
Citation:   falstart. "Definitely Something: An Experience with Salvia apiana (exp94218)". Jun 17, 2020.

1/3 bowl vaporized Salvia apiana (dried)
I found S. apiana at a metaphysical store and knew of its use in smudging. However there is little data available on its possible psychoactivity. I took a small leaf of about 1 in. in length and about .5 in. in width and finely ground it and placed it into a butane powered vaporizer.

The first few hits were low temperature and tasted quite good, due to the menthol in the sage. However, I had experienced no noticeable effects and decided to raise the temperature. White sage, when vaporized at higher temperatures, produces a thick, sour vapor which, in my experience, tastes very unpleasant. I stopped after this hit, having browned about a third of the bowl.

About five minutes after vaporizing the sage, I felt a distinct sense that everything was not entirely normal. Some of the effects were mild relaxation, heaviness of the head, seeing things but not recognizing what they were. For example, I looked at an almost empty glass of a reddish drink, but instead of immediately recognizing what it was, as it had been there for hours, it took me about 10 seconds to realize what it was. A piece of turkey behind it looked like a bread crust. Admittedly, it still looks like a bread crust, but it was more definitely a bread crust while affected by the sage.

The stronger effects, including head heaviness lasted about 15 minutes. Slight perceptual alterations and relaxation continued for another 15 minutes.

In general, the sage provided a different perspective on everyday objects along with slight relaxation, lending support to the statement that white sage is, in fact, psychoactive. Although this was a good experience, due to the disagreeable flavor of the vapor, I probably will not be trying this again soon.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94218
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jun 17, 2020Views: 573
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Salvia apiana (398) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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