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Most Messed Up Mix
Modafinil & Zopiclone
Citation:   Twisted473. "Most Messed Up Mix: An Experience with Modafinil & Zopiclone (exp94342)". Dec 6, 2016.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Modafinil
  T+ 1:25   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
  T+ 5:30 3.75 mg oral Pharms - Zopiclone
  T+ 5:30   oral Alcohol
  T+ 6:25   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
  T+ 6:35 1 tablet oral Codeine
  T+ 6:45   repeated oral Pharms - Zopiclone
  T+ 6:45   oral Alcohol
  T+ 7:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
You should know I have depression and DSPS [Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome], so I find it impossible to function during the day as I sleep through it. The doctors have been very unhelpful despite my diagnoses, but I managed to squeeze some zopiclone out of my GP. Got home at 5pm and decided to break my Modafinil virginity. From 5-11.35pm, it was pure modafinil. Then the big guns came out.

( 5pm) I really want to try and sleep tonight, so I'm not going to take my modafinil until tomorrow, even thought I'm really excited as it just came today!! Tomorrow I’ll start off with 100mg, to see if it’s compatible with me.

(5.05pm) 200mg ingested orally. I was too excited!!

(5.15pm) Mum gives me a call. We have a half hour phone conversation and I am feeling the effects. I started out feeling a little tired, but by the end of the conversation I was being quite passionate about the subject, and had to make a huge effort not to swear.

(5.40pm) Wow. This sense of alertness and self confidence has hit me, and I feel my eyes suddenly getting wider with the anticipation to finally read some papers I have to write my dissertation on!!

(7.10pm) Oh wow, did I just read all of that?! The incessant chatter about other things that I need to/would like to/wouldn’t like to do is still in my head, but I can ignore them and focus on my work. It is so much easier to concentrate, and I’m making connections between concepts much faster. I am analysing what I’m reading and making notes on how I could improve it, update it. I feel like I have learnt more in the past couple of hours than I have in a month (and it’s true!)

(7.30pm) I wanna do something else now, so I get up for the first time in almost 2 hours. I had a cigarette, made some food and sat watching a funny programme while eating (I cannot eat in silence, it makes me anxious). I finish eating in 7 minutes and have no problem pausing my programme to get back to work.

(7.37pm) Start reading again, but I keep getting distracted. I look up some terms I don’t understand from the paper, and this inevitably leads to me dicking around on the internet and doing nothing useful.

(8:04pm) Wow, it felt like I was pissing around for hours! NOW I can get back to work.

(8.37pm) I have just finished reading the most boring paper I have ever seen. And I am a convert.
This is why I went into science! The paradox of complexity and simplicity runs throughout! I used to question the pedantic way in which scientists wrote their papers, and now I get it! As I read it becomes even easier to second guess their conclusions, and for the first time in my life I understand everything!

(9.04pm) I don’t want to get back to work. I want to listen to music and sing!! I feel so into the music right now! The sounds are clearer, the notes are crisper, and even my own voice sounds different when I sing. I’m a soprano, but I’ve got this whole gravelly Tracy Chapman thing going on right now. It sounds amazing - why have I never had the courage to venture into the elegant, intriguing underworld of the female tenor??! I probably sound awful to those tuned into the real world, but I don’t care, I’m expressing myself. I’m a good person, and I will not be told what to do, what to wear or how to behave. Basically bitches, ima do me. Fuck all y’all. *****That’s NOT directed any readers! I simply felt really good about myself and defiant at the time*****

(9:27pm) I start reading another paper. I want to carry on having my one man party, but there is work to be done!

(10:08pm) Oh my, I did that quickly. And to a high standard! I was looking up, memorising and highlighting exactly what I needed, and I critically evaluated this guy’s work (it had a great structure, but some areas needed more detail wrt mechanisms, contributory factors, significance of pre-clinical in vivo experiments to the possibility of creating a clinical trials). I feel so intelligent!!

(10.10pm) Now, I could be a good girl and read another paper. Or, I could find a way to get wasted…

(10.30PM) I’ve tried to read another paper, but simply cannot get into it cos my mind is too focused on getting fucked up. So I search the web for mod+zopiclone combo’s and found nothing. Then looked for mod+codeine, and to my surprise I found nothing. Oh yeah, there’s strong cider and whisky in the fridge XD

(11.30pm) My boyfriend calls me and I discuss mixing with him. I say I’ll have one zop and 2.1units of cider now, and if I’m still awake b 1am I’ll do the same again.

(11.35pm) Take 3.75mg zop and the alcohol (6.5 hours after taking mod)

(12am) Starting to feel a bit clumsy and dizzy. My mind feels fuzzy and warm, and I want this feeling to get stronger. Also, I desperately want to watch Scarface, so I slip it into my laptop and go to bed.

(12.30am) Fag break. Also, I’ve gotta gather my baccy, rizzlas, filters, zop, mod, whisky and the other cider, and return to my film.

(12.40am) OH SHIT I FORGOT I HAD CODEINE! The pack has two left? Great, I thought I was on my last one! I popped that, feeling a bit drunk and with pleasant headfog, and now back to the film.

(12.50am) Yet another fag break. Can’t be bothered to go outside so I smoke in bed after taking my 2nd zop with a few gulps of cider. Why do I feel so non-wasted??

(1.05am) OK, I’m in the kitchen. But why? And why can I barely stand? Did I take the second zop or not? I can’t find it, so it must be somewhere!! I search the entire house, retracting my steps. If an attacker came in right now, I’d fuck him up – Jason Bourne can’t hold a candle to me - I’m THA SHIT…….. wait, why am I burying my head in the sofa?? It doesn’t matter if I’ve lost that one pill, I have more right here *pops pill*. Quick fag, then back to the film.

(1.15am) Did I take the second pill or not? It’s not here, so I’d better look for it.

(1.30am) I’m bored of looking, I’ll just take one from the pack. Seeing as I’m up, how about a fag? And codeine. Why is the pack empty, did I eat it already?

That is the last thing I wrote. I can’t remember a thing afterwards. I can’t believe I didn’t read this thing last night. I called my mum and my boyfriend at 5.40am according to my phone records and thankfully neither of them answered as I would have been talking utter rubbish. Texted him at around the same time – “Imnot asleep. Sunburnt ifihoimh to sp!!!” Sunburnt was probably autocorrect.

Who the hell knows what was going on – that’s the scariest thing for me. I could have gone out, in my PJ’s, in my crappy neighbourhood talking about sunburn!?!!! When I woke up, my slippers were soaking wet, but I have no idea why. Not wee, not beer, and no spilt/broken glasses.

(11am) Woke up in my bed, fully covered and with my night hat on (it keeps my ears warm) but I couldn’t hear the alarm so it must be before 10! Yay!! (It’s one of those old, super loud ones, and it had been ringing since 10am)

(11.10am) Nothing seems too out of place, nothing’s broken, and I found a zop in the kitchen, so thankfully I didn’t take them all!!

(11.30am) I remember I wanted to wake up early to pop a mod and get to work. Bad idea. I threw it up within 2 minutes of taking it. Such a waste :(

(11.35am) I make myself breakfast and have a spoonful. It’s nice food, but it tastes like crap because my mouth tastes like keys.
my mouth tastes like keys.

(12pm) OK, I feel a bit less drowsy and nauseous, and my vision is less blurry. I’ll try another one.

(12.20pm) The second pill is now gone, along with the last dregs of bile in my body. Or is it the first? Have I taken one before? *scrolls up* Apparently so.

(4pm) I have just finished writing this thing. It took me so long because I am so easily distracted and keep pausing. After-effects. I don’t feel dumb like I usually do with sedatives though, so yesterdays or even todays splash of modafinil must still be working. I'm tripping though.

I’ve been having mild optical hallucinations all day, and I keep thinking my duvet is moving. On my screen I can see a guy in a red short slowly screaming ‘NO’. I can see a piece of seaweed being dragged through the most beautiful coral reef on my screen (keep in mind this word doc is the only window open). Now people are screaming, and baring their teeth, and trying to touch me through the screen. They are reaching out. Now big smiles are coming to the screen by pretty ladies with red lipstick. From the screen's reflection I can see my boyfriend behind me, picking up clothes, and then he turns around and looks at me through the screen with pointed red teeth and red skin, telling me to get into the screen. There is a girl in my room, with a dirty mens tweed blazer, and a headless midget walking in and out of my room.

I can laugh all of this off with great ease, as I know I am tripping balls right now, and I am in no danger. Now I can actually see a pretty lady doing obscenely sexy things to my image on the computer screen. Not usually my type, but it's made me really horny. Oop, now it's my hallucinatory boyfriend doing all the work. I've gotta go guys, you know why ;)

In conclusion, I will not combine modafinil with sedatives. Modafinil on top of the alcohol/codeine and alcohol/zopiclone reactions leads to a nightmare of confusion, memory loss, and chasing a high I couldn't even remember. I couldn’t for the life of me get to sleep, I drank and popped way too many pills, and anything could have happened – I COMPLETELY lost all rational thought, reasoning and inhibition.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94342
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 6, 2016Views: 4,033
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Modafinil (217), Pharms - Zopiclone (272) : Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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