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It's All About Love
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Barks. "It's All About Love: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp94371)". Apr 29, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 24:00 1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 24:30 0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 3 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 1 oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
This trip had such a profound effect on me that I feel I must tell you about it. It happened over the course of two days, one day was a mild trip with mates, the second day was by myself with life-changing revelations. I'm a 30 yr old male with a very positive outlook on life, and a fair bit of experience with enjoying nature and weed.

It all started over the new year period when we took a tab of LSD at a rented beach house near Melbourne. I’d only ever tried LSD twice before, and I was already drunk beforehand, so didn’t really know what the exact effects of it were. It took about 2 hours for it to come on, and we had an absolute blast! Played charades, walked down to the river, enjoyed all the many colours in an otherwise drab fence; and I for some reason drew a connection with an umbrella. Many cool visuals were happening, like when I went to the bathroom, the logos on the washing machine were growing, shrinking, warping and moving place with each other. Then my whole field of vision would move sideways, making it feel like my whole body had shifted left and right, while I was stationary. Everyone had an awesome time and similar experiences that day.

The next day I decided to do it again, but alone this time as no one else was really keen the day after. I dropped one tab and went outside, sat under a tree and meditated. It was really quite strange feeling things within my body change during the first hour, but pleasant all the same time. Small images, colours, geometric patterns and optical representations of sounds passed through my vision, with closed eyes. I opened them and was surprised at how the front yard in front of me had changed. Every time I opened my eyes, something different would occur. It was cool to see all the variations in such a small plain yard. For example, it seemed like the whole yard (even though it was flat) was bent down towards me, me being the lowest point in the yard, funnelling everything towards where I was sitting. Then some mates came around and I thought it rude of me to keep doing this, so joined in the fun.

We decided to drive down the beach (I didn't drive) and I put another half under my tongue for the drive. We found a beautiful spot on the beach that was a small cove carved into the dunes, protected by trees on all sides. I felt completely at peace, comfortable with everything, and couldn’t believe how cool all the kites (from kite-surfers) looked in the sky. They seemed so in focus, more than usual, and I could see tracers showing the kites flying paths in the sky. I also noticed how most of the kites had AFL football team colours, and I joked with a mate that I didn’t know I was going to a bloody footy game.

The drive home was when things went into second gear. I decided to sit in the back of our 4wd with my brother's dog Ninja, and had to kind of keep my head down a bit as we were full up with no spare seats. I curled a towel around my head so as to maybe look inconspicuous, and decided that I must have looked like a pretty girl, so I became 'Sandy'. I was watching Ninja panting and looking over at all the people, pretty oblivious of me in the back with him. I could almost see the love radiating from him and spilling over to where his owner, my brother, was sitting. I could also just see another mates head from where I was lying down, and could see him singing along, making jokes etc. I realised a few things right then and there. It's really hard to explain what it was, suffice to say that it revolved around love. I could see that he was completely absorbed in singing and making jokes, and this was for OUR BENEFIT! He wanted to show us that in his heart, he had love for us. When he wasn’t saying anything, or it was quiet for a second, I could see him looking out the window, contemplating what to say/do next, and this was driven by his love. It dawned on me that this emotion is the most powerful feeling to have, and every single friend and family member I have, derives their thoughts and words from different levels of love. I felt so content that most people I know are like this too, and that without societu's constraints on them, they are simply beings that like to share love. It was beautiful to just sit there and ‘watch’ love thrown around the car between people (and a dog). It also dawned on me that it was actually illegal for me to be sitting in the back, and I had a bit of a laugh thinking of how I was going to explain to a cop that I was just Sandy, on acid, experiencing love. You want some Mr police officer?

The rest of the day saw a few more people come and go from the beach house, and I sat around talking, drinking and smoking with everyone else. Around 7 I went for a stroll by myself down the beach and took the last half on the way down there. I could feel myself getting higher and higher, as it all came on slow. I was probably only really experiencing fully the first tab I dropped that morning. The street we were on was lined with beautiful gardens, large trees overhanging the road, and a sunset that almost made me wet my pants at the end of this tunnel of green. I was absolutely entranced by this scene. There were silhouettes of pelicans in the water, and I found myself drawn to their movements. After a while, it seemed like everything around the river was either light or dark (silhouetted). The dark figures dancing on the water and foraging in the shallows took on what I can only describe as a black hole extending down my field of vision through the water, through everything. They weren’t animals anymore, they were ‘not light’, and this confirmed in my mind what I’d read only a few days beforehand. The outside world doesn’t exist objectively, only subjectively in our minds. The only reason we can “see” objects and colours in the outside world is because of the reflection of photons at different wavelengths from the sun. Without this sunlight, there is only matter, solid objects that exist in a dark, colourless space. We really are people of the sun. Without this sun, no organism could live on earth. It really is amazing that every living thing essentially gets its energy from the conversion of sunlight via photosynthesising pigments in plants. And the visual perception on our psyche screens started its journey around 150 million km’s away. GENIUS!!!

I wanted to show this scene to everyone else, but couldn’t convince anyone else to come down, so I enjoyed it on my own with a beer and some headphones. Saying it was beautiful, is like saying sex is ok.

We watched monty pythons the Holy grail that night, and I don’t ever remember laughing that hard! I had tears in my eyes (and nose) the whole time, it was incredible. It seemed like the movie made sense for the first time ever, and I became convinced that their creative juices had to have come from either LSD or weed.

This is when things go into top gear. Everyone eventually went to bed and it was just me and my trip left. It had built up and up and up the whole day, and I decided to go for another walk around the river. As soon as I closed the gate, something happened and I was watching myself walk from about 10m in the sky. It felt cool, because I felt like I could control this body down there from up here. So I walked towards the river, and made it all of 20m before I became engrossed in a tree. It was a massive Willow in someones front garden, that arched over some perfectly manicured grass to the road. So I lit a joint and sat under it, I think I was probably in their garden. Immediately, the long drooping fingers of the willow turned into peacock feather coloured swirls, dancing to this tune by The Field. It was the first time I'd ever listened to music on my mp3 player maxed out, and thought that was kinda funny I'd never done it before.

I almost couldn’t move I was that in awe, it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life. The combination of being able to listen to every single note as an optical perception of peacock feathers dancing in the wind in the willow made me realise things about nature that I fell right back in love with. My ego had completely dissolved, the barrier between myself and my surroundings had become non-existent. I could perceive myself, the trees, the plants, the shrubs, the insects all close by, all at once
I could perceive myself, the trees, the plants, the shrubs, the insects all close by, all at once
, from every single one of them. And this feeling of oneness with everything, can only be felt to be described. The physical manifestation of energy and feel-good compounds is sickeningly good. The opening of some door to different levels of perception is seriously astounding.

I still had complete control of myself which I was actually surprised about, and decided to meditate and see what happens. I thought this might be fitting, as it was how I started this day off. I opened my eyes and looked over at this hobbit-looking house, that had little round windows, a magical little garden and looked like a miniature castle. The coloured christmas lights in its windows and draped over the roof, started to dance along with the peacock-feathered willow arms and many other hallucinated colours right when this song completely peaks at 13 minutes in. I became completely overwhelmed from all this beauty, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and what is possible.

And right then, I looked upwards, and from this new perception I could “see” that the sky was formed in some sort of funnel shape. This is probably the hardest of the visual things to describe to you. As well as perceiving it from myself and my surroundings, I felt like I was seeing it from way way above earth. It felt like it was warped outwards over me, enveloping me and my surroundings, and funnelling upwards towards space. I felt utterly connected to everything! There was no doubt in my mind that I hadn’t broken down the barrier between myself and everything else. The feeling of absolute love AND despair filled me at the same time. This emotion was SOOOO strong. You know what it feels like to mourn in the darkest of times, and to feel extreme love? Add them together and multiply it by 10. I felt like I was feeling what millions of people were feeling at that exact same time. It became way too much, and I cried like I never have before, in happiness. It wasn’t like I was loudly bawling in someones front yard, it was just all to myself. It’s the single most beautiful moment in my life (so far), and I was happy to sit there and let this feeling wash all over me as I got back to meditating again.

This is when I felt like communication started happening between myself and…. Well I still can’t really tell you what the 'and' is. It was something, it felt like everything. It wasn’t a conscience decision at all on my part to start this communication. I realised that now my ego had dissipated, that was me, my subconscious, my core. And I was talking to the universe!!! The first thing that I “said” (there were no spoken words said here keep in mind), was an apology for how humans treat the earth. My ego has no idea why, but it happened! And the feeling I got back, was for me not to worry about it, that I’m doing my part to help already. And this drew me to tears again. It was such a beautiful, enlightening thing to be reconciling with the universe. I analysed myself, and the things I’m doing in my life from a completely external point of view. And I felt content in a way I can’t describe, just totally at peace with myself.

I started thinking, how could people actually have bad trips on LSD, take a fucking look at me! I'm talking with the universe! They must be doing something completely wrong. It was cool to still have the frame of mind to think normally too, and I remember visualising why I wasn’t having a bad trip. I have no idea why, but I visualised all the positive events that lead to me having an amazing time with my brothers and friends as like these little locked gates in a 2-dimensional video game. And I could see a little red object that I can only think was maybe representing the bad trip, and it was trying to get through these gates, but they were holding fast and I thought to myself, “shit yeah! I’m in for a good night!”.

I think I might have ‘asked’ a few more questions, but I cant really remember them to be honest. I think I was there for over an hour, just amusing myself with music and dancing lights/trees. I went down to the river and the glow of the nearby town rose up and out from over the horizon. This too was astoundingly beautiful. I could see little rays of light shooting up from the town, and a police light/siren shot up into the sky as little blue and red lasers. I know what you’re thinking, im a pussy right? Well yes it bought me to tears again. I could make lights and colours melt, spiral and morph how I liked. It was all about love for me, emanating everywhere. I guess I liked what I saw of who I really was.

I think I then walked to and from the house, getting a few drinks/joints every now and then, alternating between revelations under the willow, or revelations out at the river. I floated here and there, gazing into the calyx of a flower, pretending a small pile of leaves was a snake and admiring its beauty (from afar), experiencing what it is to be in love with nature. It became obviously apparent that people can’t truly express how they feel to someone because of how society is. I thought of all the loving things I want to say to my family and friends, but don’t because of my ego which was constructed and moulded in an ever-growing impersonal society.

I remember one time I was near the river, a group of young lads walked past on the bank and stopped pretty close to me but couldn’t see me sitting in a garden. And I was just watching them chat, and say how it was a good night, tom got wasted, barry picked up, we shoulda bashed that guy etc. And it was like theatre to me, I was hanging on their every word! I saw them part ways and then both groups started talking how cool the other group was, and that they cant wait to get wasted tomorrow. And it just seemed beautiful to me. I wanted to stand up and say “Cut! That was brilliant people, take 5, get wasted, have fun!”

My final thought that resonated with me, felt like a mutual agreement with the universe and has stuck in my mind ever since…. that material objects mean nothing to the soul. Except maybe ones that bring beauty and pleasure like a musical instrument, or a prized cooking utensil, or an irrigation system. Everything else? Nothing.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94371
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Apr 29, 2020Views: 624
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LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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