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Good Bad and Neutral
Bath Salts
by Fly
Citation:   Fly. "Good Bad and Neutral: An Experience with Bath Salts (exp94381)". Oct 30, 2017.

  insufflated Unknown (powder / crystals)
      Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc  
Recreational Salting

GOOD: More alert, euphoric high, mood uplift, legal to purchase
NEUTRAL: Talkative, craving for more, mellow comedown
BAD: Increased heart rate, stuffy nose, bleeding, potentially addictive, uncomfortable when snorting, sleeplessness

I am writing this because I can't seem to find much other than older new reports on this particular drug, I can't find many honest testimonials of experiences of this drug, so I'll post the good bad and neutral. Most of the testimonials I find are old, and from people using the first 'batch of ingredients' that contained MDPV, whereas now MDPV has been removed due to drug regulations (here in california) I hope this helps people and gives some insight into this drug. Overall the onset is about 2-5 minutes with the peak at around 1 hour. Total length of high depending on dosage from first snort to normal, 2-4 hours.

I have been a drug abuser half of my life. I've always prefered uppers and stimulants. A week ago my friend introduced me to bath salts. My friend purchased a 1/2 gram from a headshop for $20. We racked up a few small lines (sorry, not sure of the mg dosage) we snorted them and went back to work. It burned snorting it but not as bad as meth and the drip reminded me of low grade cocaine and numb throat. About 2 minutes give or take I was a lot more awake and alert. I could focus and think more clear and work more efficient.

In the last week I have used a total amount of 3 grams. The more I used the better the high was. It was pretty spot on to the high of meth, without the bad effects i.e. paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, confusion and sleeplessness. The high is much more mellow and enjoyable. The best description of the high is like adderall or dexedrine. I was able to eat and sleep with no problems.

It concerned me that I was using more in the following days and how easy it is to get since it is legal in california. For the last 2 days I've snorted half a gram per 16 hour period. The last 2 days my nose has been stuffed up but able to clear through blowing my nose or using a nasal spray. I used nasal spray yesterday morning to clear my nose to do a line which was a waste due to constricting the nasal vessels. Yesterday I got a mild nose bleed that now was probably due to blowing my nose too hard. I've snorted salts since then without nose bleeding.

I can understand how users can abuse bath salts as I did feel a craving for more but not like other stimulants where my body hurt and felt better when I got high. I have been able to function, talk, drive, work without a problem. Everything I read online is how bad it is, how people go insane and violent on themselves and as a long time ex abuser of meth I would rather use bath salts. I am not telling anyone to use or not use the drug but I have had a good experience with it.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94381
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Oct 30, 2017Views: 2,838
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Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (521), Unknown (120) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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