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Living in a Utopia
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis
Citation:   klast. "Living in a Utopia: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis (exp94388)". Apr 30, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 0:20 1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 7:00 1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis
The night started slow at around 10 (t+0:00), a group of friends and I sat around a fire and smoked around around 3g of marijuana. As the high was coming up we managed to get a response from a contact who had ecstasy pills. Me and one friend agreed upon getting 3 pills each and left to meet him. By this time the marijuana high had come and gone, leaving a nice comfortable feelings by the time we picked up the pills at about midnight (t+2:00). We decided to take the pills in the car, which ended being our environment for the trip.

At 12:10 (t+2:10) we each took 1 pill and I swallowed mine. Waiting for the effects to kick in we enjoyed the last of the weed fading and a little bit of anxiety coming on from the come up of the pills. At around 12:30 we decided we might as well take a second pill because they seemed to be coming on slow. I crushed mine in the back of my teeth and swallowed it.

My friend begin to feel it first as he made several large smiles and told me he could feel up. Only feelings I seemed to be having were anxiety and chattiness which I attributed to the come up. At around 12:40 (t+2:40) my vision blurred strongly and the red car clock pulsated and I remarked that it might be hitting me. Several minutes later all the muscles in my legs tensed as a huge wave of euphoria hit my body. A huge smile lit up my face as I now knew why they called it ecstasy. Every bad feeling I ever felt left me it seemed as my chest relaxed and my eyes rolled back. Strong feelings of empathy and love hit me as I routinely took deep breaths exhaling and saying yes under my breath. At around 1 (t+3:00) me and my friend began to chat, we talked about everything imaginable and I felt like I understood all human beings completely. We put on mellow background music as we talked about how appreciative we were of this life, and everyone involved in it.

For the physical effects I felt were lessened pain and hypersensitivity on my hands and feet. I felt as if everything were right in my little world, and that it would never end.
I felt as if everything were right in my little world, and that it would never end.
This continued until around 5 (t+7:00) when we decided to take the third pill even though we had agreed previously not to before. We agreed it was a great idea to lengthen our high. We took it as the sun rose, feeling comfortable in his car. At around 6 (t+8:00) the pill seemed to hit but not with the same intensity as the other two. The energy seemed to where off some and I was left with a calm, accepting and wonderful feeling. It was something I had never felt before and I found it difficult to describe other than pure joy. We both decided that the clock he had in the car wasn't a good thing and we blocked it up, although now that I think back I can't really justify it. At around 8 (t+10:00) we decided to walk around the are, which had a dirt road and many trees. We reminisced about the trip, talking and appreciating nature. It was an amazing feeling, but lessened from before. After around 2 hours we headed back to his car to wait for a little longer. At around 12 (t+14:00) we headed back to a friends house to smoke some bowls and hang out. I smoked around 3g myself but and it seemed to draw out the afterglow and clear up the fogginess I usually experience from weed.

For the next day until about 8 (t+22:00) I felt the great afterglow. I then proceeded to come down somewhat harshly feeling a little bit sad, but mostly lethargic. I headed to bed at 10 (t+24:00) and woke up feeling my normal sober self. One of the best trips I've ever had but not something I could do regularly because of its intensity and duration. It might be relevant to note that the day I woke up after tripping I had slightly increased feelings of joy and empathy towards friends but this seemed to wear off quickly.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 30, 2020Views: 697
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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