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That Was Fun
Citation:   Presticles. "That Was Fun: An Experience with Methadone (exp94433)". Aug 21, 2016.

1 tablet oral Methadone (liquid)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
A friend of mine who is really into a lot of drugs said he had some methadone, and I was curious. He said it was like a pain pill. Personally I wanted to do it because I knew rehab programs and medical professionals used it for heroin addicts so I thought it might be like heroin. I'll never really know as I haven't done heroin but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I dissolved the tablet in water and drank it. Along with some beer. After 25 or 30 minutes I started to feel it. It feels like Lortabs or Vicodin. It's a soft sort of relaxing feeling. I felt warm, and a bit of anxiousness. This may feel like a contradiction but the nausea to me is what I call anxiety. It feels like butterflies.

This soft sort of relaxation makes me less inhibited. I was more playful and fun on it. I became more chatty, more care free, I joked a lot...although I do some of this normally I just generally felt like it was fun. Over the course of the high I noticed an increasing amount of nausea however I never vomited. I have vomited on pain pills however. If I wasn't worried about long term addiction I'd do it again.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94433
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Aug 21, 2016Views: 2,506
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