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Flying with Nature
Citation:   Heretic. "Flying with Nature: An Experience with Cannabis (exp9449)". Oct 28, 2001.

8 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was a usual night for me, at about 5:00 pm I headed off to some nearby woods for a smoke. I took out my pipe and packed some pretty decent weed and began to blaze. After about 8 good hits the bowl was pretty much ash. I decided to put my piece away and sit down on rock. 3 minutes later i was pretty stoned and feeling good.

I saw a squirrel a few feet away and remained completely still. The squirrel then approached me with much caution and curiosity. I was pleased by this small creature and amazed how close it got to me. I heard birds singing over head. I became completly involved with everything around me and for the first time in my life, I was at peace. The sounds of the woods amazed me and i completly lost track of reality. The squirrel was now almost touching me.

I couldn't believe this, the whole experience was like a fairy tale. I felt like i was flying. After about an hour it was getting dark and my high was fading so unfortunately, I had to leave the magical place.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9449
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2001Views: 10,369
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Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Alone (16)

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