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Combined with an SSRI
4-Fluoroamphetamine & Zoloft
Citation:   iofthehurricane. "Combined with an SSRI: An Experience with 4-Fluoroamphetamine & Zoloft (exp94526)". Feb 9, 2012.

50 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
    oral 4-Fluoroamphetamine (powder / crystals)
This chemical has great potential, and is a new favorite of mine. Very experienced with psychedelics/ empathogens/ stimulants, and decided I would give this a try.

50mg Zoloft is taken daily, but I will touch more on this because I feel the SSRI may have negated some of the euphoric effects. It was still a very beneficial experience.

Total time (come up to comedown): roughly 5-6 hours, simply body/ slight mind stimulation for the last couple of hours.

0:00 - Stuck my finger into the bag of the 4FA and took about 3 licks (roughly 80mg), first reaction. WOW, what an awful taste! Reminds me of eating an acidic/ sour powder of some sorts, I recommend NOT insufflating this substance.

0:25 - Stimulation and slight euphoria start to kick in, wow this is shaping up to be a great evening!

0:45 - Full effects have set in, very euphoric (lasting about 2-4 hours). Body feels weightless, endless energy, lights/ colors and music are GREATLY enhanced. Mind is flying with various thoughts, ended up sitting down and simply writing in a journal for a couple of hours. My ideas seemed to piece themselves together, and create conclusions to different issues I have been encountering.

1:30 - Still feeling great, very sociable and talkative. ALOT of energy.
3:00 - Euphoria seems to be weening off a little bit, but definitely still apparent.
4:00 - Very little euphoria if any at all at this point, but still just loving life.
5:00 - Pure body stimulation at this point, the energy that I had hours prior are starting to come to a close.
6:00 - Very tired at this point, still feeling body stimulation. But was able to fall asleep shortly after this point.

Overall reaction to this chemical:
Really can't beat it.
It's fairly easy to obtain from various online vendors, and has great effects [for an empathogen lover].

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94526
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 9, 2012Views: 10,651
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4-Fluoroamphetamine (276) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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