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Bipolar Disorder Onset
Citation:   Manic Maisie. "Bipolar Disorder Onset: An Experience with MDMA (exp94662)". Erowid.org. Jul 31, 2019. erowid.org/exp/94662

T+ 0:30
250 - 350 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
Before I talk about my experiences with MDMA I want to give a little bit of background on my recreational drug use. I'm 19 years old. I've smoked marijuana since I was 14, regularly since I was 16. I've used opiates, amphetamines, other pharms, but my favorite drugs are the psychedelics. I've taken acid twice and MDA several times, tried ketamine once, and I'm really looking forward to trying mushrooms eventually. However MDMA is one drug that I plan on staying away from.
MDMA is one drug that I plan on staying away from.

About a year ago I took ecstasy for the first time in pill form. It didn't really work because it was a shitty pill so I decided to take molly next time because it's supposedly pure MDMA, as opposed to ecstasy which is almost always cut. So the next night my friend has a party in his basement and I took about 300mg of MDMA.

About 30 minutes into blowing the molly I went outside to smoke a bowl. As soon as I finished smoking it I felt a wave of euphoria wash over me. The euphoria was like nothing I had ever experienced, yet it felt so familiar at the same time. I never felt more alive in my entire life. I was so blissful, my life was perfect. Forget about the boyfriend who had just broke my heart a few weeks ago after a very serious, year long relationship. I could finally open up easier to my friends on this drug, because I had such a hard time getting close to people.

The molly made me manic. I didn't know that I was bipolar yet so I attributed all of these grandiose feelings to the molly. After that first time I rolled every weekend after for a period of three months. My thoughts were fast and rolling only made them faster. I had a new boyfriend who I thought I loved but the only reason why I got so close to him was because we rolled together all the time.

Eventually I ran out of money because molly is expensive so I stopped rolling all the time. At the same time my new boyfriend dumped me because he couldn't stand me anymore, I had changed. I was arrogant and aggressive and he couldn't stand it anymore. (Later, I attributed these characteristics to the mania I was experiencing.) Then I crashed. The mania subsided and I was left so depressed. I got around to trying MDA, the psychedelic cousin of MDMA and had the most beautiful, life-changing experience ever. I realized that it was silly of me to have been rolling constantly and the real interesting drugs were the psychedelic ones, because they actually can teach me a lot about myself and about the world around me. I also learned a lot about myself and re-evaluated my drug use. A few months later I took LSD, learned a lot more about life and myself and re-evaluated my drug use again.

I wasn't formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder until a few weeks ago
I wasn't formally diagnosed with bipolar disorder until a few weeks ago
but taking MDMA definitely made it onset. If you're bipolar please be wary of psychedelic drugs because they exacerbate mental illnesses. I plan on continuing to use psychedelic drugs but only with great caution.

Dance safe and trip well.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94662
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 872
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MDMA (3) : Health Problems (27), Depression (15), Relationships (44), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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