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First Contact
by Tex
Citation:   Tex . "First Contact: An Experience with DMT (exp94727)". Erowid.org. Feb 27, 2020. erowid.org/exp/94727

3 hits smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
Its been about almost a little more than a year and I still remember everything about my first DMT trip like if it was yesterday. For about three months prior to my first experience my bud (lets call him ugly) kept telling me all bout this substance and about how it's the tip of the spear of psychedellics.Ugly kept on telling me how amazing and surreal the experince is and how it's a total eye opener and that we should throw down one day for a sack when it's in town again .
As time went along dimitri kept in the shadows till about three months after I first heard about him. Ugly called me up one day and told me a close friend of his just synthesized a good organic batch of Dimitri and that he just bought about 1.5 grams of it. He told me that if I wanted to hop on the gravy train to just pick him and head to a nice spot in the woods to enjoy Dimitri's company.

When we got to the destination I found a nice secluded spot where nobody would disturb us and where we can jam some nice tunes. We then started to play some Heyoka and that's when I first saw the substance for my first time when Ugly pulled it out his coat pocket. It was very amberish/orange color in crystal form and it smelled just like brand new shoes for some odd reason... We than started to load the fattest bowl we can and begun to smoke it . Ugly took the first hit while I backed door him. As I watched him I started to get a little nervous about it but told myself that, 'Everythings gonna be ok and that you will come down from the high'.

He then passed the bowl to me and I took my first rip. Some how the DMT caught on fire and didn't go out which made me take a bigger hit than what I was expecting. I tried to hold the smoke in as long as I can but I couldnt do it and then started to cough out all of the smoke. Immediately I noticed my hands trembling and that everything around me began to breathe just a wee bit and at the same time it felt as if a thousand needles were in my throat and chest cavity and I just began to take heavy breaths to calm myself. Around the third hit or so I couldn't manage myself to hit the bowl anymore and I felt as if it was too much and I again began to breath heavily to calm myself down . As time went along I totally lost track of it but for the remainder of the trip it felt as if time didn't exist.

As I looked around me I began to forget about my body and started to watch reality turn into fractal kaleidoscopes and eventually I gained tunnel vision where It seemed as if I was falling into a tunnel or more like a tunnel falling into me. I thought to myself, 'This is too much' and I felt as if closing my eyes would be the smartest thing to do. Immediately after closing my eyes I was transported to outer space (since I didnt see any walls just darkness for as far as the eye can see), but in the center of it I saw millions of images flying at hyperspeed in a elliptical pattern and a huge image of Leonardo da Vinci last supper in the center of it.

When I saw this I was in total astonishment but at the same time felt the sudden urge to open my eyes and when I did I wasn't sitting in the woods anymore but sitting down in the middle of the goldest wheat field I ever seen in my life . I looked around me and absolutely was in shock on how gorgeous and majestic everything was, especially the colors of my new environment since i noticed absolutely no shades or hues just perfection. I then started to to stand up to see over the wheat field and saw four workers about 30 yards away from me working and picking the wheat. As I stared at them I noticed a futuristic city glowing in the background surrounded for as far as the eye can see with the wheat field im standing in. I then looked back at the beings or field workers staring at me . There were three men wearing overalls and one women wearing a red and blue polka dot dress. I glanced at their faces but it looked as if I was staring into a blank piece of paper, they had no facial features at all but seem soo real at the time. Of the four beings the one nearest to me was the woman and I was locked in a trance when I began to look into her face, hoping eventually I would soon see here face but she never revealed it .I assumed I wasn't meant to see what they truly looked like I guess. I didn't know what to do and I felt as if they didn't either or that they were waiting on me to make the first move. I was soo mind blowned that I didn't know what to do and we just stood their in the middle of the wheat field for what felt like eternity. Eventually I began to gain a sense of time and I literally watched the world that I was in melt back into reality. As stared at the beings I watched them all melt back to four oak trees that were in the woods.

I still don't truly understand what exactly why I experienced what I saw but I haven't broke through since this one experience. Hopefully next time I will communicate with these beings and travel further into this unexplored realm.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94727
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 27, 2020Views: 772
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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