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Not Sure About This One
Ethyphenidate & Cannabis
Citation:   FlusH. "Not Sure About This One: An Experience with Ethyphenidate & Cannabis (exp94835)". Aug 24, 2017.

T+ 0:00
15 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:10 15 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis  
Dose 15mg ethylphenidate
t+10min 15mg ethylphenidate
.5 gram marijuana joint t+2:30

Tonight was a rather random evening. I was out by myself tonight visiting a friend. Earlier in the day he was telling me about a new treat he just recently received. When we finally cross path's later in the evening he offered me a sample of ethylphenidate. I was surprised how much it resembled crystal meth. the bag I was handed contained a couple nice size crystal shards. I was somewhat interested but at the same time a bit cautious.

We part ways. I then drive to another buddies place and show him what I just got. I measure out 15mg each for both of us and crush it up. up the nose it went. within 5 minutes I felt different. It was weird. It looked so much like meth I think I was expecting a meth kinda rush. Instead I felt a different kind of energy like vibration. It was not really good or bad? It had no emotion with it. It was like I was suddenly full of energy.

I have read a few reports that ethylphenidate is euphoric in nature. I did not find it so. I actually found the effect rather uncomfortable and very chaotic. The mental effects actually felt like I was disoriented in an way that reminded me of being drunk. I was very scattered in thought. It was an uncomfortable in my own mind space kinda feeling.

The body load was not bad, but nothing great either. It felt like a sort of numbing electrical buzz of energy. At one point in the evening I figured I felt exactly like I had been doing cocaine for the last 8 hours, and it was 4:30am and I was drinking some rum trying to come down.

10 min after the first line, both my buddy and I each took another. I opted for another 15mg while he did 60mg.

I was glad I stuck to a lower dose. about 2 hours into the experience we smoked a joint and I started to feel very uncomfortable. I was experiencing the effects I mentioned earlier except much stronger.

at 2.5 hours my face was started flushing a deep red that went down my neck and onto my chest. I had only gotten this reaction before, about 7 years prior when I had a 3 day meth binge. My heart rate was only up about 15bpm. I felt cold and hot at the same time. I also got horrible gas. It could have boost my metabolism as well? just a guess but I normally don't fart as often and with such force.

This lasted for about an hour. When these effect started to wear off I called my wife and she came to pick me up. during the following hour I rapidly started to get back to baseline. my face and neck cleared up, and my head started to as well.

A I write this now it has been 6 hours since my last dose and I still have some ringing in my ears, but aside from that I feel normal.

I wont try this again. At the peak I was concerned for my health.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94835
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Aug 24, 2017Views: 2,198
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