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Experimenting With Animal Telepathy
Citation:   K Dog. "Experimenting With Animal Telepathy: An Experience with LSD & DMT (exp94883)". Jun 18, 2018.

3 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked DMT  
Background information: I am 19 and attending a college located in the Appalachian Mountains that owns vast amounts of farmland and animals. I have a lot of experience with a lot of different kinds of drugs. after being addicted to heroin for almost 4 years, I have begun using psychedelics for their spiritual, social, and intellectual benefits and stopped taking most other kinds of drugs. Prior to the events described in this report, I had had an intense spiritual connection to cows during a mescaline trip. As a result, I began regularly practicing meditation in cow pastures while under the influence of psychedelics. After several months of doing this, I designed an experiment in which I would attempt to communicate telepathically with a herd of cows while on DMT and LSD.

Beforehand: I took 3 tabs of decent quality LSD about 10 hours prior to the experiment, at around 11 PM. I had planned on doing the experiment during the peak of the trip. However, a friend of mine who had borrowed my bowl earlier that night neglected to return it before going to bed, and by the time I realized this, anyone who I could have borrowed one from was already in bed. I took this as a sign to be patient and waited through the night, spending my time meditating, smoking spliffs, and hiking through the forest. That morning, I got my bowl from my friend and walked to a cow pasture.

The experiment: It had rained the previous night, so when I walked through the pasture, the grass was wet and muddy. However, I came upon a circle of dry dirt on the ground, at least 50 yards from the nearest cow in the herd. Seeing this as a sign, I sat and packed my bowl, sandwiching the DMT between some weed. I then meditated until my mind was calm and focused. Being careful to light the bowl without actually touching the flame to the weed on top, I smoked the bowl as long as I could. At first, I was having such intense visual and audio hallucinations that I could not concentrate on my experiment. However, after they decreased in intensity, I was able to begin meditating on sending messages to the herd. At first, I tried sending messages in English. However, I quickly realized that cows probably would not understand spoken language, and instead began concentrating on sending empathetic messages of love and peace. Soon after beginning to do this, the entire herd moved around me and began grazing. This movement distracted me from my meditation for a minute, and filled me with an intense euphoria; it seemed to be working! When I had collected my thoughts, I began my meditation once again. After doing this for a little while, 5 cows surrounded me, staring at me intensely with their noses no more than 2 feet away from me. Once again, this distracted me from my meditation and created euphoric emotions. When I began meditating for a third time, 3 of those cows, one at a time, approached me even more and began rubbing their noses on my feet before calmly walking away. By this time, the DMT was beginning to wear off, so, elated, I walked back to the human pasture.

Afterwords: Since this first experiment, I have done many others using various psychedelics including 2C-E, mushrooms, 4-AcO-DMT, 25i-NBOMe, and more LSD and DMT. Most of them have seemingly been successful, and I appear have been able to cause cows to move upon request, lick my hands and body, and allow me to pet them. Anyone who has spent much time around cows knows that they tend to be extremely skittish and generally fear unfamiliar humans, making these events extremely meaningful to me. In the most successful experiment, an entire herd that I had never encountered before swarmed around me and a friend of mine and began nuzzling and licking us within an hour of an extremely profound and life-changing DMT trip. I have found that the most important qualities necessary to achieve this kind of telepathic communication are patience, tranquility, compassion, and love. Keeping myself in this frame of mind seems to be extremely attractive to cows.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94883
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 18, 2018Views: 1,321
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DMT (18), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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