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Enhanced My Roll with the Kechari Mudra
MDMA & Yoga (Kechari Mudra)
Citation:   fruition. "Enhanced My Roll with the Kechari Mudra: An Experience with MDMA & Yoga (Kechari Mudra) (exp94885)". Erowid.org. Mar 1, 2012. erowid.org/exp/94885

150 mg oral MDMA
Next time you are rolling - try the Kechari Mudra! BAM, instant hit of joyful goodness!

Basically, I take the tip of my tongue, and go up the roof of my mouth, keep going up and up, until I touch the soft palate, then go even behind that, until I start licking my mid-brain area. (Google it for more descriptions, but that's the idea.) Keep it there for at least 30 seconds... and feel an effect within the first 5 seconds.

Whenever I did this during the course of a recent (really high-quality) roll, I immediately started feeling the effects more. While more-or-less peaking (but coming down from the super-peak), it was a nice hit of more-peaking.. kind of like taking a puff from a cigarette. While more-or-less coming down, it brought back a bit of the more-pronounced effects, like visual clarity.

Heck, I can do this while sober, too, though more pronounced effects are likely to be had while on some substance or other.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94885
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Mar 1, 2012Views: 3,587
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MDMA (3), Yoga / Bodywork (202) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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