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H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis
Citation:   dashneo. "Synergetic: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp94931)". Erowid.org. Dec 6, 2022. erowid.org/exp/94931

Repeated bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  6 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose  

I had dismissed HBWR seeds as just another disappointing legal drug that wasn't anywhere near as good as illegal drugs, until I discovered how synergetic marijuana and HBWR seeds are. When I tried out the weed and HBWR combo I was astounded to find out that the effects didn't feel like anything I had felt on weed or the HBWR seeds alone; the effects of the combo were new to me.

My background: I am a 17 year old guy with a natural high tolerance to chemicals. I’m 5 feet 8 inches tall and I weigh 175 pounds. My body type is somewhat heavy (but not fat :P). At the time of the experience I had tried Adderall, K2 (spice), Marijuana, DXM, LSD, Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, alcohol, tobacco and nitrous oxide.

Previous experience with the seeds: At the time of the experience I had tripped 8 times on the seeds only and once with the weed and seeds combo. I dosed anywhere from 4-8 seeds per trip and waited at least a week between trips. I got the typical effects of Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds: sedation, enhanced colors, mental and physical laziness, change in consciousness and noticing things that one usually ignores. I had a really bad trip when I first decided to mix weed with the seeds.

Set: I had been smoking weed all day so I was very relaxed and in a good mood. I was also feeling excited for the trip I was about to go on. I felt very confident that I would be able to handle the trip a lot better this time.

Setting: It was 8:00 at night and my parents were getting ready for bed when I ingested the seeds and had gone to bed by the time I started tripping. I planned on staying in my room the whole time with the lights off. I had also turned a heater on so that I would feel comfortably warm during my trip.

This is my story:
It was 8:00 and I was feeling warm and relaxed from the weed I had smoked throughout the day. I wanted to do something different as I was getting bored of smoking weed at that point. I quickly thought about my options and remembered that I had 6 HBWR seeds left from the batch I bought a few weeks ago. As I thought about my first real trip on the seeds I found myself imagining how fun it would be to trip again and how fun it would be to trip in a good environment. My excitement continued to rise as I ran to my room and grabbed the seeds out of my stash. The seeds were already peeled since I like the seeds to be ready to eat when I want them. I popped 6 seeds in my mouth with some water, chewed them up thoroughly and swallowed all of it. About 35 minutes later, when I started feeling the effects of the seeds setting in, I packed a fat bowl of mid grade weed and smoked all of it. After the third hit I noticed my thoughts slipping past me; I couldn’t hold onto or process my thoughts as well as I normally could after smoking weed. After 5 hits I could feel a slight separation from reality that I usually felt while on psychedelics.

After finishing off the bowl I quickly got into bed and started to look around. There was a light outside my window that cast bits of light all over the walls and ceiling. I stared at the bits of light for a few seconds before I realized that they actually formed an outdoor environment with trees, grass, insects and clouds! I was overwhelmed with excitement and awe as I watched the grass sway back and forth as if it was dancing in place. As I continued to look around my room I saw the glow in the dark planets and stars my mom had painted on my walls a long time ago. I witnessed one planet turn into a mouse’s head while the stars orbited around it. It was a beautiful sight.
As I continued to look around my room I saw the glow in the dark planets and stars my mom had painted on my walls a long time ago. I witnessed one planet turn into a mouse’s head while the stars orbited around it. It was a beautiful sight.
Up to this point I hadn’t ever gotten visuals from any drug, not even from the one hit of LSD I had dropped a few months previous. So I was extremely happy to finally experience them.

Sometime around T+1:00 I got a small urge to masturbate. I wasn’t incredibly horny at the time but I wanted to know what an orgasm felt like while tripping. What happened next is hard to explain but I’m including it because it was the weirdest part of the trip. I almost always close my eyes and use my imagination rather than using porn when I masturbate so my eyes were closed the whole time. When I was about 10 seconds away from orgasm I suddenly saw myself lying on my bed! My whole body was covered in a clear 1x6 grid. The bottom rectangle of the grid that covered my feet turned solid green and then faded away quickly as the next section up turned green. The green rectangle traveled up the grid without skipping one rectangle. The grid that covered my body was like a timer; I came as soon as the green that covered the last rectangle (that covered my head) had faded. I’ll probably never know if it was a legit out of body experience or just my imagination, but it was an experience I won’t soon forget.

At 9:50 I decided to get up and explore my house before it got too late. When I walked out of my room I felt as if I had walked off of a wild west movie set onto a jungle movie set. The setting felt drastically different. Every object in the room seemed like it played a small part in the way the room made me feel. Basically every object made me feel a different emotion. The game room had a visual cartoon theme to it. I remember looking down and seeing a cartoonized toy fire truck lying on the ground along with a few stuffed animals next to it. The kitchen was where I got the most visuals; the flowers on the wall paper were spinning and the black cow spots on the milk cartons slowly drifted up and down the each carton. My dog also greeted me while I was upstairs. Her fur rippled and moved in waves, which made me want to find out what it felt like. I found that her fur was softer and warmer than it normally did.

The last major visuals I remember seeing where closed eyed visuals. I saw spinning rings of various animals and objects. That’s the last thing I saw before falling asleep around 11:00. I was tripping for a good 2.5-3 hours. I did wake up once a few hours later with a moderate stomach ache but I fell back asleep soon after waking up.

Stay smart, stay safe, happy tripping!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94931
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Dec 6, 2022Views: 324
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H.B. Woodrose (26), Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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