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Spirit Tripping
LSD, Methoxetamine, 2C-T-7 & Cannabis
Citation:   Maniel. "Spirit Tripping: An Experience with LSD, Methoxetamine, 2C-T-7 & Cannabis (exp94951)". Jul 12, 2017.

6 mg vaporized 2C-T-7  
  55 mg insufflated Methoxetamine  
  2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I am currently on the downside of the substances listed in this experience.

Today, I decided to have some fun experimenting with some things. I had tried vaporizing 2c-t-7 before but only 2 mg or so. This time I tried around 6 or so mg. The come up is fast though not immediate. I was soon immersed in a mescaline-like trance. I had been smoking weed/hash all day so when and where I was smoking Cannabis is not important. The next thing I did was snort some methoxetamine. I split the lines up into 25 mg dosages (compared to a 30 mg dose I had seen weighed out previously). I proceed to take 2 or 3 lines. I was feeling quite nice from the initial puffs of 2c-t-7 but I wanted to feel more of what i could do so I decided to eat the rest of my dose. I might have snorted another line of methoxetamine...i do not know...I proceeded to walk outside enjoying the beautiful dissociated but still glistening-warm spirit world of the 2c-t-7 when I thought it would be a bright idea to take 2 tabs of acid. I was with several different groups of people throughout the night but I still felt connected to a family no matter how many people were around me. Within an hour of taking the two hits of acid I began to feel washed with complete bliss. I felt the pull and tug of the different drugs but I was in a relatively calm and composed state. There were moments when things got a bit too 'wiggly' but the amount of pure thought and inspiration felt from this combination of drugs is too precious not to share with the great people of the world. thanks.
P.s. I feel very lucid.

***I spent the entire night in a dorm full of college kids but I felt like I was in a sort of surreal capsule. I was fully detached from what was going on to me but I was still participating in the visual experiences of the drug and the human experiences of the people of me...I have never been more in tune with my reason for living...this combination needs a really good name.....lets think.....spirit-tripping...that's it.***

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94951
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 12, 2017Views: 1,199
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LSD (2), Methoxetamine (527), 2C-T-7 (54) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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