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Terrifying I Think
MDMA, Alcohol, Zolpidem & Cannabis
Citation:   Collegelife. "Terrifying I Think: An Experience with MDMA, Alcohol, Zolpidem & Cannabis (exp95113)". Erowid.org. Jan 10, 2023. erowid.org/exp/95113

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00 3 shots oral Alcohol - Hard
  T+ 0:00   oral Caffeine
  T+ 1:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 1:30 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 1:30 5 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem
Some friends and I were in college and planned on going to a concert one Friday night. The concert was about an hour away in a major city, and one of my friends knew someone that could get us ecstasy.

Normally, I smoke a lot of pot and drink my fair share of hard alcohol, but I like opiates more than any other kind of drug. At the time of this concert, I had just finished withdrawing from dilaudid. This was going to be all of our first time on ecstasy.

During the hour drive down, the four other kids in the car were drinking vodka, but since I was driving, I only smoked a bowl of weed.

We got the ecstasy; several blue pills with a blue butterfly on them and several more pink ones that I don't think had any emblems on them. We finished driving to the concert, and I chugged about 3 shots of vodka and Amp energy drink before we went in.

Feeling slightly buzzed from the alcohol, we checked out the scene, where everyone was milling about listening to the opener dj's. My friends and I then went to the bathrooms to pregame for the good show.

My two friends split one pill together, while I took an entire one for myself. We then went and joined our male friends on the dance floor.

Listening to the openers, we chilled, waiting for the pills to kick in. About 30 minutes later, I began to get really thirsty and hot. The densely packed dance floor wasn't helping, and I had to leave several times to get a drink of water.

About an hour after taking the pills, we were still listening to the openers, and I wasn't feeling any other common side-effects of the ecstasy. So I got my two friends, and we again went to the bathroom to take more of the pills. This time, we each did a half.

Returning to the dance floor, I remember feeling an incredibly amount of energy and heat. While the opener DJ's really weren't that good, we started to jam out and dance a little, also while talking to some of the people around us.

A half hour later (an hour and a half into the concert), I still wasn't feeling much, so I split another half pill with my guy friend who weights about 230lbs. He had taken two and a half pills by now.

I was beginning to get annoyed that the ecstasy wasn't having much effect on me, and was really wishing I had some narcotics instead, when I remembered I had two Zolpidem (Ambien) pills with me. Having taken them a few times before, I decided that one of these 5mg pills might at least make the concert worthwhile. So, I took one and gave the other to one of my girl friends.

It was maybe another 20 minutes before the artist we had come to see finally cam out. At this point, I just remember being very hot.
At this point, I just remember being very hot.
I had 3D glasses on, and the flashing lights seemed to beacon to me while I could feel the music also pulsing through me.

The main act must have lasted about an hour and a half. I honestly don't remember specific songs played, or dancing. But my friends told me that we were dancing the entire time, though I had to lean on them for a little while. I don't remember any specific details, just the lights and dancing.

We left around 1 am, and I felt incredibly nauseous. While I didn't puke, my other friend that had the ambien with me, did. At that point, we decided that we needed to get a hotel for the night because none of us were capable of driving back to school.

While looking up hotels in the area, we sat at a train station. It was about 2 am, and we were lost in a rather large city, too fucked up to make it home. Despite this, I felt absolutely numb; no emotions, nothing. My thought process was slowed, and I reflected that I should be terrified, as my friends were, but I was incapable of mustering that emotion.

We finally got a hotel room. Despite the ambien, we all stayed up the entire rest of the night. During that time, we mostly talked about random stuff (I'm not sure if this was a side effect of the ecstasy or not; we're usually pretty open and share a lot of stories).

The next morning, we drove home, and stayed up the entire day (Saturday) and next night, which involved a lot of alcohol, which seemed to affect us a lot more easily.

I'm not sure what else to attribute it to, but we all were feeling 'weird': stimulated, yet sluggish. Also, our normal bodily functions (eating, need for sleep) were pretty much obsolete. This feeling persisted through the rest of the weekend to Tuesday, even after I got a good amount of sleep (passed out at 4am Sunday morning, woke up about 3pm).

Over all, I'm disappointed in ecstasy, but think taking it with the ambien was a really bad idea. The lack of emotion was truly terrifying, and, while not outright unpleasant, I found the high from dilaudid and even weed to be much more compelling.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95113
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 10, 2023Views: 351
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143), Alcohol - Hard (198), MDMA (3) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Combinations (3)

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