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Not Helpful to What I Wanted
by vali
Citation:   vali. "Not Helpful to What I Wanted: An Experience with Ketamine (exp95129)". Erowid.org. Mar 8, 2012. erowid.org/exp/95129

Low dose give relaxation. High dose I'm dead. I am a conscience. Just me and fears in my mind. Could have the name bad trip. There are no real world. Do not remember it. But the deepest feeling is that I'm dead. Is a world of mind. Very strange. Me alone with your thoughts. I think those who think positive feel good. I do not. I do not remember much anyway. I just do not have body only consciousness. Is not nice. Not of the body. There is no one but my conscience. Not remember anyone nothing from real word. I and my fear in on word of thought . Taste of ketamin remain imprinted as of death, the worst experience. I do not know. Is an experience. But not helpful to what I wanted. Change my thinking. It's like I'm back from death.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95129
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Mar 8, 2012Views: 1,383
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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