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The Melt
Citation:   JohnKizzle. "The Melt: An Experience with Ketamine (exp95136)". Feb 21, 2018.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 80 mg oral Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 80 mg oral Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 240 mg oral Ketamine (powder / crystals)
The Ketamine Melt

Get into bed with laptop and Ipod, had a half gram of K and decided to try dabbing it, after reading that it is a longer effect but less severe, and this being only my 2nd time doing K I wouldn’t have a particularly high tolerance. I begin by taking about a 100mg dab and leaning back and scrolling on the computer, within 10 minutes I'm feeling the initial onset, face is tingling, that almost drunk feeling that comes with K, still aware of my surroundings I decide to do a bit more.

Take another dab of about 80mg within ten minutes the effects of both the dabs have onset and I'm feeling strange to say the least, moving feels good and looking around the room everything’s beginning the morph out of shape, My skin has begun to numb but still have feeling, tingling sensation strong the confusion hasn’t really set in yet, but the distortion really has, begin to wonder if this is S-Isomer.

Deciding that I wanted to get a bit more messy I do a third dab at about 80mg again once again there’s a ten minute delay then I’m pretty mashed, starting to think about putting the laptop away as its not really of interest to me as words have lost their meaning, looking around the room the darkness has begin to mix in with the lights coming off my Ipod and laptop and its getting trippy. Skin is almost completely numb as I find myself gnawing on my cheeks without realising then remembering that my cheeks will hurt after remembering what my cheeks were I stopped. I’m still not feeling particularly like I’m really experiencing the K.

I get out the wrap to decide how much to do, and decide to lick it all up, not the most pleasant taste but hey, I don’t eat it ‘cos it tastes nice. Slightly hurrying to put away laptop and all those sort of items before I get too messy to be able to control the situation, I just lay back with my ipod in listening to music.

I have begun to vividly experience the K, looking round the room everything’s distorted and there’s no difference between my eyes closed and open, everything’s changing and patterns are appearing all around me. I have begun to feel the initial K melt effects and think I'm in a K-hole, the ability to think shows I'm not actually in one, but everything is right. Looking at my hands they don’t look like my own. The music still pumping through my ears some talking comes on and I immediately jump up as the voices echo round my head. The confusion has definitely onset strongly constantly forgetting who I am where I am and what I'm doing.

Effects extremely strong, feel like I'm melting and draining down a plug hole, the bed is flying through a strange world at extreme speeds, doing barrel rolls and for a short time I can see myself on the bed before being reunited with my body and realising where I am. Closing my eyes I feel like I'm being absorbed by the bed and I am completely paralysed, the feeling is so intense and amazing. Being so utterly confused I have no idea what to do with myself, I just lie in the middle of the bed while everything around me alters and changes.

Feel as though I’ve been in the land of K forever and the feelings begin to wear off, but wait no, I re-enter harder than before, so hard and unexpected I’ve been knocked off my guard and begin to panic a little bit, not so much that I'm scared of the experience, but it has made it very intense. For the next 30 minutes the Melt resumes and I feel content with everything around me. The bed is moving through space my body is stretching and melting into nothingness I feel like I've travelled beyond the edge of the universe.

At about 2:00am I fall asleep with mild effects still onset. Wake up about 10:00 feeling quite disconnected from the world, not too keen to do anything complicated or loud, just relaxing. An amazing Ketamine Experience.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95136
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 21, 2018Views: 1,201
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