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Into The Weed: The Scary World of Special K
Citation:   Big_G. "Into The Weed: The Scary World of Special K: An Experience with Ketamine (exp9515)". Jul 6, 2005.

80 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
It was Friday, perhaps my favourite day of the week. Having been taking ecstasy or speed, whilst smoking the odd joint here or there each week or two, I hadn't really experienced much in the way of non-clubbers drugs. Having become bored with the ecstasy high and how much it had changed since my first time, and not appreciating the side effects of whizz, I decided to look elsewhere for life experiences. I had wanted to try acid for a long time, even when I was totally against all other drugs. I could not get hold of any though. Then there was always mushrooms, I'd been told where they grew but had not been to pick any yet.

My partner in crime (and also fucked up experiences) M invited me by his house on this particular Friday night. I decided I'd go round when I finished work about 12 that night. So I stopped by before work and gave him some money for a half ounce of dope and some money so we could go halves on a gram of ketamine. Now you have to understand, these things don't normally go right for us. I ask him to get us trips...they never materialise. So, as I returned to his house right on time at midnight that evening, I never expected him to have any Ket. How pessimistic I'd been...

As I arrived at the house, my friend's younger sister was sat in the front doorway, about to puke. I got a little suspicious as vomiting can be a symptom of Ket, but she only smoked draw so I didn't think much of it.

I walked up the stairs to his room, his mother and step-father just a few feet away, soundly sleeping…it still amazes me now that they weren't awoken by the events that were yet to come. I got into the room and M was in bed, totally conked out. Our other friend O was rolling a joint but also looked pretty fucked. I started laughing and asked what was going on, although deep down I already knew. M told O to sort me some of the stuff out, sounding very tired and very messed up. O unwrapped the white powder and began to sort some of it into a line. I'd never snorted anything before but I was more excited than nervous. These two had taken Ket before but only whilst on ecstasy. Their descriptions of it turned out to be a hindrance as I was completely and unexpectedly blown away by the ketamine experience.

O was finished and rolling up a £5 note, I snorted half the line up my right nostril then the other half up my left. My nostrils were burning but I had expected this. The Ket smelled very plantlike and that smell bothered me straight away. I asked O how long this stuff took to come on. He said 'It gets more intense as you go along.'

I walked down M's stairs for some reason and out of the front door. Already I began to feel a little unstable and light headed. I looked at his sister and said 'When I went into that house I was a different person.' I stumbled into the back garden and sat down on his bench, just able to make it. Then it started.

I looked up and my vision was beginning to spin. O, M and his sister were there. They were all saying positive things but I couldn't think what. I looked around me and I was surrounded by loads of people, many of them people I knew. They were all entangled in weeds and in a moment the whole world around me had turned into what I can only describe as 'the weed matrix.' It was like the film, the matrix. I had awoken from the false reality (at least in my mind) and could now see the real world, people entangled in a rollercoaster made of weed!

The plant smell was very strong and two people with suits on were in the middle of this matrix. A man and a woman. The woman who I was sure I recognised had short black hair. She told me to jump onto the weed rollercoaster and M, his sister and O were all encouraging me to. It seemed like it was going to be great so I hopped onto this moving mass. Suddenly I was entangled by the weed and strapped into a seat. All was still as the ground turned black, all except the green stems of grass still poking out of the ground.

Suddenly the ground started to drop away into nothing and continued until the ground beneath me fell away and I fell. It felt as if I was flying downwards on this rollercoaster at an alarming rate, the g's pulling at my face. Then round a corner I went, it felt as if my face were coming off and then one side of my face almost did! I couldn't feel parts of my face and the bits I could feel were physically hurting me! I was stopped and I opened my eyes. I was deep within the weed matrix, still thousands of people around me as I began to this time sink into the ground. It was like a spiral staircase into nothing.

I was completely shitting myself! I thought this was the end of the world, I thought this would never stop and I'd be going round this rollercoaster into oblivion forever.

Then suddenly, I was back in M's room. O and M's sister J, sat in front of me. I was dazed and confused, but I could feel my face again. My mouth was wide open and I was staring at them. I heard J saying things like 'He's scary' and 'Why would you want to do this to yourself?' O was laughing. I realised I'd just had a full blown hallucination and I was so glad about that. I was glad that I was back in the real world, although my vision was spinning at a considerable rate, I felt sick and I couldn't talk. I heard the words in my head I wanted to say but it took a while to say them. My friend's voices were distorted but clear enough for me to make out, as was mine although I sounded like a child learning to speak.

O was finishing rolling his joint (apparently, during my hallucination I was falling around in the garden and my face was a look of sheer horror. They had got scared and carted me upstairs into M's room). I was sat on M's bed and I looked round. M was asleep again. He'd had more Ket than me, yet had no hallucination. He'd just been doing handstands on his bed, trying in vain to stand up. He kept saying 'This is not a's a poison.' I had read all about Ket on the internet and so wanted a joint to kill my nausea. I got up and wobbled downstairs with O and J.

I was walking along with hardly any feeling in my legs. I had to walk along with my hands outstretched and I felt like an old man without a zimmer (politically incorrect I know, but I can't think of another way to describe it). As I got into the garden I was sick. Not too much (because man, I can puke for England) but I was sick. We sat on the bench again and I could see O sparking up the joint. He had a few tokes then I really pestered him for it. He handed me the joint which I could barely see and I just about got hold of it. Then I tried to toke it but was actually holding it about a foot away from my mouth. I eventually managed a couple of tokes then passed it on. It didn't really help like I wanted.

I was determined to explain to O and J my experience with the hallucination. They kept saying I was wrecked and had taken a lot of looking after. I couldn't speak. All I could say was 'I went into the weed.' That was the only way I could think of to describe my experience. O laughed over and over as I kept repeating 'And I just...went...into the weed.' Looking back on this, it was one of the funnier moments of the night. M had come down for a bit and he suggested we all go to bed.

Everyone took their shoes off and went to M's bedroom. I got mine off without much difficulty and then crawled upstairs (yes crawled, I was capable of nothing more). I got into M's room and crashed into his bed. He was already taking up half of it.

The rest of the night began to tail off. O was saying I should've recovered by now (it was about 1 and a half hours after I'd dosed). I was trying to get up but felt sick or had a headache every time I did. I kept saying I wanted to go out and be sociable (the night club down the road was about to finish) but I wasn't capable. O switched on the TV and it had people in Ibiza talking about their experiences on drugs. I could only pick out a few words and it seemed as if they were all talking about Ketamine! This comforted me a little. By this time my senses were heightened dramatically. My sense of smell was better than it's ever been, but I could still smell the Ket and it didn't smell good. My sense of touch was heightened too. I could feel the covers and fabrics wrapped around me and it was almost like my fingers were joining with them. Eventually I went to sleep.

I had work in the morning and I felt fine. I got to work still amazed my this experience and wanted so badly to tell someone about it. I had to wait for later though for that. I felt a little stomach aching but that was probably due to my being sick and having an empty stomach.

Overall I look back on this is a positive experience because it was different. I know a lot of people would've hated it. M has vowed never to take it again!

I had read all about Ket, yet was totally blown away by it and I realised I was unprepared. It is the one drug I've taken where you feel worse when you're on it than in the morning!

I would say it's worth a try but be prepared to enter the crazy world of ketamine, make sure you've got somewhere to lie down and maybe have a 'sitter'. I'm lucky my friends were there I guess.

Hope you found my story interesting and useful. I guess you can hallucinate on Ketamine! Shows what I know.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9515
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 6, 2005Views: 17,466
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Ketamine (31) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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