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Night Terrors
MDMA & Various
Citation:   not sure. "Night Terrors: An Experience with MDMA & Various (exp95165)". Sep 23, 2024.

  repeated   MDMA (powder / crystals)
    repeated   Various  
Note: I'm running on very little sleep as of writing this, so excuse me if I experience some incoherence.

I'd like to preface this posting by noting that I am 20 years old, male, and of high IQ. Not trying to toot my own horn, but I feel it is all relevant at this point.

Over this past week I got a job worth partying for. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night were spent on a variety of drugs ranging from alcohol, to opium, and most prevalent, pure MDMA. I've taken MDMA multiple days in a row before, but have never experienced anything to this effect. It should also be noted that due to the aforementioned job, I have stopped smoking marijuana due to an upcoming drug test. Before quitting smoking, I hadn't dreamt in 5+ years, which I'm guessing was in part due to the THC. Before my bender, I was beginning to have pleasant dreams again, but now I've entered a vicious cycle of insomnia
Before my bender, I was beginning to have pleasant dreams again, but now I've entered a vicious cycle of insomnia
, followed by a few brief hours of sleep in the wee hours of the morning, ending with terrible nightmares.

These nightmares are none other than I have ever had before. They start out normal. Last night I was being chased by gypsies (?) at my new job. The dream slowly turned into a nightmare, and I awoke with a start. Nothing bad, so I brushed it off again and fell back asleep and immediately started dreaming again. I was startled when one of them pushed a hot iron through my chest, causing me to awake in sudden pain. I've never felt pain before in a dream. Luckily, that dream ended, but more nightmares ensued, none causing any pain. I brushed it off yesterday morning and powered through my day hoping to fall asleep regularly due to lack of sleep.

Last night, I was again, unable to fall asleep. I took it as a sign to continue working on my studies through the night, and got a fair amount of work done on a *game* for one of my classes. Fast forward to 5AM, this morning. I'm exhausted, and finally fall asleep. Somewhere around 6AM I start dreaming again, this time in a MechWarrior-like dream. I was in a game, but couldn't quit after I started losing. That's when the pains started to come back. It started with a taking gun-fire. I could feel every bullet with immense realness. I tried to run, but someone chased me down with a helicopter and I could feel its blades ripping into my back. I somehow got out of the arena I was fighting in, only to be in a post-apocalypse-like setting. Something straight out of the Fallout series. I ran down an alley and was attacked by vicious dogs. I could feel their teeth sinking into my hands.

I awoke again with a start (many times, throughout feeling pain). After the 2nd, 3rd, maybe even 4th time waking with, I couldn't bring myself to fall back asleep. I was too scared. Too scared to return to the dream world where I was going to be viciously attacked by everyone and everything. So my question is; what the fuck is going on? I can't afford to lose any sleep this week. I know this has to do with the intensely vivid dreams people can expect after a long stint with dream suppression due to THC, but are the night terrors being caused by the MDMA aftereffects? Please help… this is driving me insane. I don't think I can bare another night of this.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95165
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 23, 2024Views: 35
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Dreams (85), MDMA (3), Various (136) : Unknown Context (20), Multi-Day Experience (13), Post Trip Problems (8), Hangover / Days After (46), Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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