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Not Overwhelming but a Heavy Intoxication
Citation:   Boozer. "Not Overwhelming but a Heavy Intoxication: An Experience with Ketamine (exp95204)". Feb 19, 2018.

2 bumps insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
A Dose of Vitamin K

My (recreational) drug use background:
-MS contin -Ecstasy
-Morning glory
-Large doses of caffeine

I would commonly be referred to as a pill popper. I've always admired the elusive Ketamine. Its very hard to get where I live. So once my E dealer got shipment of it. I had to jump on the opportunity to buy some. I got a ten sac. I was confused because there was so little but My dealer assured me it would be enough. He told me the smallest amount will work so I believed him. I didn't use it the night I got it and went to the mall the next day. I was with my clean brother and pill-popping friend. I took a bump in the mall bathroom and told my brother that. 'I could feel myself before I actually take a step.' He found this to be extremely funny and tempting. Normally he stays away from the drug stuff but he couldnt resist, and feeling fluffy and light I shared with my brother and also my friend. By the time we finished the sac I had taken two bumps and my brother and friend took one. The feeling was not overwhelming but it was a heavy intoxication. It was pure.

All in all, I believe Special K will be my friend for a long time. It was an amazing experience. But the one thing I regret.. Is starting my brother on drugs. Especially starting on Ketamine. I will no longer feed him anything again. I just dont want to wrap him up in what I've become. A pill-popping, Always-strung-out-on-something,for the past two years, loser.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95204
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Feb 19, 2018Views: 988
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