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Worth It
Citation:   magicmopper. "Worth It: An Experience with Kava (exp95209)". Jun 2, 2020.

9 capsls oral Kava (extract)
Recently I purchased Kava standardized supplement (225mg of kavalactones per dose: 1 dose= 3 capsules) reading reports online, I’ve gathered enough info on dosage/mind set etc so I was prepared, although its not such a risky substance. On the day of use, I made sure my stomach was empty, drank a warm cup of milk since I read fatty liquids help the absorption of the chemical, and swallowed 9 capsules, about 675mg.

+0:00 consumed the capsules

+0:30-1:40 felt tired, it wasn’t all that great. I felt a mood lift, but nothing recreational.

+ 1:50 chilled out in my room. Played violin (yeah I roll like that) and watched t.v. by now I’ve said fuck it and agreed the investment of kava was a waste.

+2:10 ate some dinner, after 3 bites, I felt odd, I can compare it to a onset of 30mg oxycodone (with no tolerance) this feeling was progressing, the smile on my face grew bigger and bigger, I stopped eating, got up, and DAMN. I felt sooo gooooodddd.. the warmness, gigglyness hell even the nausea, everything was great. I couldn’t eat more due to the nausea, and weird enough my teeth hurt, but I guess it was because they got numb, I read kava does that.

+2:50 feeling heavy nausea couldn’t turn my head too fast or I’ll begin to dry heave. This was too familiar with my past use of opiates. It was tolerable though, I felt great

+3:00 had a conversation with my neighbor, I am a shy, antisocial person, but the kava turned me into a creative open talker. Eventually my innerself would take over and scare away my neighbor when I started talking about third eye and astral plane. I couldn’t care less, went back inside watched daily show, got on best gore, called random people up (lolwtf?) and so on, basically I wasn't my regular boring self
basically I wasn't my regular boring self

+4:00 the moderate opiate buzz weakened, but I still felt a mood lift, nausea has exited.

+6:30 back to baseline.

Overall, it was great. I know for a fact that eating dinner 2 hours after made the effects STRONG.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95209
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 2, 2020Views: 954
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