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Traversing up the 'Down' Escalator
Salvia Divinorum
Citation:   HerrBearen. "Traversing up the 'Down' Escalator: An Experience with Salvia Divinorum (exp9523)". Sep 30, 2004.

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    Salvia divinorum
I've been in constant contact with Salvia Divinorum Researchers/Burton Services at for the past two months... seeing as how I've actively searched for the tools and recipes of the Shamans, Brujos, Medicinemen, Philosophers, Druids, Bards, Majix men... and so on... for 30 years. I'd like to show the emails I sent of my experiences and what I've told them after buying their product. Regular herbs and medications are, Ginseng 500mg, B-12 Daily/Stress vitamins with Zinc, Ritalin 120mgs daily for ADHD/ADD. No alcohol or other Psychotropic legal or illegal herbs/chemicals. Coffee, I normally drink alot of coffee. I'll let my emails show more of my 'mindset' and 'settings'. :)

Send email confirmation and USPS Priority number for tracking or tracing. Thanx. Have had a bad experience with a competitor who is only a 2 hour drive away from me. I ordered from these other people in Baltimore and I've yet to see anything from them or a reply to my emails and phone calls. You are the next ones to try out. Perhaps you can tell me if this is better than the advertized Salvia 5X from Thanx again. BEAR


Your tracking number will be emailed to you in a few hours, once mailing is complete. As far a 5x extract goes, that it Salvia that has been chemically enhanced. Our Salvia leaves
naturally contain high concentration of Salvinorin A. Also you can make your own 5x extract from them, if you would like to try an experiement with them. but make sure that you know what you are doing. Personally speaking most people do not require such high concentrations, unless of course they are Salvia hard heads!
Burton Services


Most excellent! I've got the shipping confirmation and the info needed. Once received, I'd like to put in my 2 cents worth of how you do business. So far it's an A++... and I've done alot of purchasing over the net in these past 3 years. On the other, having studied and experimented with naturals, herbs, plants, trees, mycellium... since I was in scouting in the late 1960's throughout the early to mid 1970's... this would be a different approach, mainly because I stopped using Cannibus Sativa 13 years ago. Thanx again.
Peace. BEAR


Thank for the kind words. Have a waterpipe ready!
Your tracking number is: (withheld)

mailed from Burton Services


From Thursday the Second of August to Monday the Sixth... 4 days/3 days not including Sunday... from the West coast to the East Coast. I'll just add another '+' to the 'A++'. Yup, I received it yesterday. I'm very pleased with the shipping department of your company. Product is totally awsome. Using a small two inch dry bowl as a pinch hit... (a generous pinch, not too small, but not trying to cram the one hit)... and after the first couple of sets of three last night, I was able to tell the difference and begin to feel the effects. Today, after 5 pinch hits, a very nice 2 hours mini trip of a Psilosin similarity. With headphones on with OZZY Live and the guitar solos and vocals were more pronounced and clean. It seemed like there were more notes played on each solo than I'd heard
before. Desk settings are a very colorful trap setting with lava light, line lights and Franklin Mint Dragon sculptures and small plush BEARs and other oddities and curios lining the shelves. If this is top of the line 'high test grade'.. then it makes me wonder what other additives or processes are used in making a concentrated 5X or 10X and how long that would last.

From 1PM EST to 4PM, last hit was at 3PM total 6 hits and nice, easy reentry. I'm very pleased with this product and it's desirable effects. Your service is greatly admired and appreciated. I'll have to return again, many more times. I had been looking for San Pedro cactus, Epena resins/pitch, Amanita Muscaria and Pantherina (found Pantherina growing here in Virginia and sun-dried them, as per the consumption guidelines to prevent poisoning.) Searched fields and flower gardens for weeds, herbs and woody shrubs and trees. Came across Jimson Weed/Thornapple and boiled the unripe seed pods to make a one quart and 16 ounce cup of strained, yellowish ...
broth /liquid. To which, I drank the remaining 16 ounces...... Bad
mistake... I spent three days in bed, hallucinating like I'd never before... only to find that this concentration was so powerful, that all you needed was one tablespoon to feel it's effects from the Scopolamine, Atropine, Hyoscyamine.

I had ordered... in the late 1970's... the spores, Agar, Compost... from Washington State to grow in a fish tank, P.Cubensis. Which yielded a few small caps and stems... till some kind of small insect invaded the compost and mycellium.

Is there any way to prolong the effects? Please let me know. Thanx again.


Great, I Am glad that you enjoyed it.
and more importantly you understood how it is used.
Since our leaves have a high concentration of Salvinorin A.
they are also great for an acetone extraction.
it a lot cheaper to learn how to do your own extraction in the long run.
5x 10x take you to different trip levels, so I am told.
Learn what you can about Salvia, because there has been a lot of talk about
it becoming illegal, and scheduled.
Burton Services



Howdy again, folks. I haven't finished the first ounce, but, have decided to try the recipe/extraction from Rev. Dr. Moo Moo at
I've also designed a cheap version of a waterpipe/bong using 9 inches of brass nipple for electrical wiring, a 1/2 inch to 3/8 inch compression union for plumbing, and a 2 liter soda bottle. Works like a charm and enhansed the intake by concentrating the smoke. Small hole on the side made it easier to do a final pull (shotgun). Thanx again and I'll let you know how this recipe turns out. Peace. :o) BEAR


Thanks for ordering from us again. Please do let us know how your extraction works out.
Burton Services



I thought you'd like to know the outcome of the acetone extraction. With an ounce and a half of leaf, I crumbled a bit to make 1/4 ounce of stemless leaf 'cut' or 'shake'... the same size and consistancy of tobacco for cigarettes. The rest was put into a coffee/spice grinder and made into powder. Two mason jars were used and the lid with rubber side was inverted to prevent contact with the acetone. Following the recipe from Rev. Dr. Moo Moo at ... I had allowed the powder to sit in one jar with lid on, for 24 hours. Strained and added more acetone to the carefully strained and pressed leaf powder. Returning the leaf to the first jar and sealing the second (strained acetone from first soaking), I allowed it to soak in more acetone for an additional 24 hours. Strained again and placed the used leaf into the first jar and saved... just to see if there was additional extractions left. Added more acetone to the strained leaf and let sit for 6 days... so far. I just strained it again and am letting that soak. But the other jar with two strainings, I proceeded on with the recipe. I let the acetone evaporate in a flat glass baking dish. Took about 6-8 hours as there was about 36 ounces (3 cups) of acetone to evaporate. I stirred it continually at first, then every half hour I checked up on it and stirred it again. I did the evaporating outside... nice little breeze on a screened in porch. As the liquid was almost 10-12 ounces left, I added the crumbled leaf... a little at a time,
then just dumped the rest in as the liquid was down to 4 ounces. It took 2-3 days to dry to satisfaction... it's still moist, but, no acetone smell or taste. The potency must be around 25x-35x as you need a very small pinch in a 3 inch dry bowl. I do mean small, as these are the effects and thoughts I've noticed...

1.) Everything seems to be falling backwards or melting, after the first 5 seconds of inhaling.

2.) While this feeling of melting continues, and everything in my
surroundings are also melting... buildings, trees, objects... melting like a candle in an oven. Always heard of that effect from LSD, but, never experienced it to this extent.

3.) No amount of mental preparation or Psychological Fortitude... (similar to Intestinal Fortitude/Guts... but, dealing with the wellness and surety and firm faith/belief, that you won't go insane)... prevents the thoughts of Paranoia, the Right to Live, feelings of the whole world being undone... like atoms separating and flying off into oblivion. Thoughts of both having something no one else has and that everyone else wants, come to mind.

4.) It's better to be sitting in a comfortable chair, but, the urge to stand up and walk is irresistable. If you're already standing, you might find yourself walking off from where you first were. The thought is to find a place that's safe, as your mind continually believes that everything in this world is in your control... and you're letting it all melt. I find myself looking in all directions with a 'WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?' thought running rampant. Thoughts of family members making an entrance and seeing a
vegetable or incapacitated BEAR run my mind. Thoughts of the legality of Salvia and feelings of Police/Federal Agents knowing that I hold the key to infinity, also run through. Do they want this? And for what reason do they want it? World Peace? Or World War?

5.) Thoughts begin to collect and regroup as 'sanity' begins to reaffirm that 'All is well.' The feeling of reassociation begins to come back, as do the thoughts of the world NOT having it's eyes on you. Definately NOT a party herb or something to be taken lightly. Then again, this can describe many of the intense thoughts and feelings from other Psychotropics I've had before. As was said before... 'I THINK! Therefore, I AM... I think.' I'll add to this at a later time as well. Thanx again. BEAR


Your really did it. I mean you really found her.
Most people have difficulty with extraction process
especially the first time. We get questions all the time about the acetone extraction. You might want to think about posting your experience to the

They may use your experience as one of their trip reports.
This has got to be the coolest description of the Salvia experience that I have read in a long time! Some of the news groups that talk about Salvia is
alt.drugs.salvia and rec.drugs.psychedelic
If you happen to post your experience to any of the above groups and
mention where you purchased the Salvia (Burton Services) Let us know about it!

Take care
Burton Services


Sounds like a winner to me. I can make a mention about Burton Services, but, alot depends on the recipient and if my experiences are merit enough. I'm also wondering how long this batch will last... considering that I work at nights and nights off are few and I'd rather not have anyone else present when 'viewing Alice's Looking-Glass'. Also, on the nights I do have off, the thought comes to mind... 'Do I really want to? Or am I afraid of what I might find?' I've even gone as far as locking myself in the bathroom, which is a small closet sized one of three in my home... and kept the light off. Same type of thoughts and meltdown. It's like I have something that no one else has... and if they knew what I had... hoo boy. Either... Control Classification or a 'Witch Hunt' to erradicate the plant. A Shaman's/Diviner's tool indeed it is. It must be protected from unscrupulous minds. Thanx much and I'll pass the word on to Erowid and Peace to all the world... please. :o) BEAR

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9523
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 30, 2004Views: 706
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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