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Seeing the Window: A Threshold Experience
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   ASG13. "Seeing the Window: A Threshold Experience: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp95231)". Apr 12, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  repeated smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00 3 hits smoked DMT
  T+ 0:05 1 hit smoked DMT
Earlier on the day of my experience, I had acquired .1 g of DMT. The guy I bought it from had instructed me to probably smoke it all myself, as it wasn't as strong as most DMT. I, however, was eager to share the experience with a friend, so I didn't entirely follow his advice.

My companion (I'll call him Simba) and I had been smoking all day, and it was now about 7 pm. The last time we had smoked was probably approximately an hour or two beforehand, and we were feeling a somewhat heavy comedown, which I feel fogged the DMT experience a bit. We had been reading excessive experience reports leading up to this date, and both felt as prepared as we could get before trying DMT. This would be our first psychedelic experience. We experimented with different music to set the tone of the trip, but eventually decided no music was best. Our location was a couch in a decently lit room at night. I eye-balled and packed about half the DMT into a bowl with a pinch of weed. I sat back on the couch and attempted to clear my mind properly. Simba meditated. I was very excited and so I decided it was time to hit it. I lit and inhaled. The hit was much less harsh than I had expected, so I held it in for a couple seconds before exhaling. I think this is where I failed in getting a proper dose, holding it in as long as I was supposed to completely slipped my mind for some reason. I took a second hit, holding it this time (but I think my tolerance was already too built up from the first for this one to have much effect) and then a third, and the bowl was cashed. I felt a buzzing sensation on my mind, and my heart rate increased, yet no visual or heavy mental effects. I described to Simba how I was feeling, and we decided it was sort of a failed attempt.

Instead of him smoking the other half, I decided (somewhat selfishly, but also with what I felt was logical at the time) that I would smoke the other half as well, because I didn't think the remaining 50mg alone would do anything for him, but maybe if I did the entire 100 mg cumulatively I might feel at least something. I went and packed the bowl, sat back, and took a hit. (this was probably approximately 5 minutes after the first dose) This time I held it in much longer. I felt like my brain suddenly heated up, and my vision got somewhat jittery, but not drastically. Then I looked at the wall across from me, and I felt a bizarre sensation. First, as cliché as this sounds, I felt like the mood of the song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. Then, I had this intense, very real feeling that the wall was going to shatter into pieces and fall into the universe, and that I would go with it. Neither of those things happened, I didn't break through. Over the next few minutes the feeling faded and I had completely stopped feeling any DMT effects. While this was happening, Simba took a hit, but he said other than vague patterning in objects, he felt nothing as well.

Although the experience wasn't entirely a success, I still feel it was a good experience. I'm going to try again soon, probably with a higher dose, and outside in a sunny, warm, nature spot. I will definitely remember to hold it in next time as much as possible.


Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95231
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Apr 12, 2018Views: 726
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DMT (18) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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