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Anxiety Melts Away
Nabilone (Cesamet)
Citation:   Brandasaur. "Anxiety Melts Away: An Experience with Nabilone (Cesamet) (exp95232)". Mar 30, 2012.

2 mg oral Nabilone (daily)
I walked into my doctors office, with my hopes high. I was on a mission to get these rare blue and white pills. I told my doctor about my anxiety disorder, OCD and various other things. I told him about how I smoke pot and all my symptoms just disappear. He gave me a little slip of paper saying 'Cesamet 1mg'.

I take two of these every day. I do not get really high off of 2 mg but I can say that my anxiety melts away. They produce a body feel and a little bit of visual stimulation. However, Thinking is clearer than ever.

2-4mg with some marijuana smoked is a GREAT combination. It produces an almost mushroom like high. It is simply the greatest pot high.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95232
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 30, 2012Views: 12,454
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Nabilone (571) : Various (28), Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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