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I Heard Trance Music Coming From Absolutely Everywhere
Citation:   That one Guy. "I Heard Trance Music Coming From Absolutely Everywhere: An Experience with MDMA (exp95338)". Sep 20, 2024.

T+ 0:00
2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:05 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 46:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My four day long MDMA experience

This is how my week laid out:


I woke up at 6 am, went to school, normal day. No drugs yet.
Got home, took a couple bowls of weed, as this is normal for me, when my roommate asks if I want to roll tonight. I decide to agree, as I have not done Ecstasy in over month. Around 9pm comes around and my roommate comes home with pills. I don't typically get a placebo, pre-roll feeling, but this time I did.

I was completely off the effects of MJ at the beginning of my ecstasy experience

21:30 - (Two) pills of unknown quantity of whatever drugs are in them are taken (normally I don't take pills that don't show on pillreports, but I trust this dealer as I have bought from him many times)

22:45 - These took an above average time to kick in, but im starting to feel the effects

23:00 - RAPID increase in effects, about to peak. I turn on trance music, as I have always wondered what it would sound like on a good roll.

23:05 - Peaking... a little too hard, slight nausea (two people already threw up)

23:55 - First wave of slight comedown, nothing out of the ordinary. I know the next wave of 'up' will be less intense

00:30 - Take another (one) pill to boost. still a normal experience.

1:00 - Open up my computer and start reading internet articles

[Call me weird, but I really enjoy learning on MDMA. I often feel as if I am smarter and more organized in my thoughts.
I really enjoy learning on MDMA. I often feel as if I am smarter and more organized in my thoughts.

1:30 - Took another (one) pill to boost again [since this experience I have learned to only boost ONCE, and only ONCE. After that, effects are just feeling crappy and tired]

2:30 - Still feeling it, but a little less now. I have lost track of time, and completely forgot about the last pill I ingested.

2:35 - After a discussion with friends (who also forgot I had taken a pill one hour prior) I again take (one) pill - this is my last one for the night

4:30 - Still awake, as expected. Dont really want this feeling to end, so I DONT go and smoke a bowl or two when the rest of my friends do.

5:30 - Decide to stay awake, as I have school in two and a half hours anyway.

7:00 - Feel like shit (expected) but STILL rolling balls. I have no idea why. I turn off my music and try to relax. I know I cannot go to school today, for my school will expell me if they take one look at how damn big my pupils are. I'm also acting like im rolling a little. I make a small note in my head that the music I had just turned off, is still playing.

9:00 - Pupils still huge, still wired. Tons of energy, but brain and body are exhausted. Oddly enough, still hearing the music that I turned off two hours ago.

The day passes, and thinking back, I had no recollection of time that whole day. I was up the entire day, did not eat a single bite, and threw up once (I blamed the pills). I heard trance music coming from absolutely everywhere the entire day. When I would try to focus on the sounds, they would immediately stop and move to a different place, with a different song. I didnt make a big note of it, as I only thought I had a bad case of 'songs stuck in my head' mixed in with some drugs :P Before I knew it, it was 9 PM again...

Before I go on. I still have many questions about the next three days. I dont know why these things happened, all I know is that they did.

I tried to sleep with no avail, so at around midnight I started researching 'sounds that can make you fall asleep.'

An hour or so went by, jumping from link to link online, when I eventually found out about Binaural Beats (iDoser)

I can describe them as sounds designed to entrain your brain waves to certain frequencies to induce a plethora of different things. From sleep, to full blown hallucinations.

I wont get into discussions about whether they work or not, but I saw some serious hallucinations after 25:00 minutes of listening to a track, and so did my roommate. I believe they work.

I got distracted and started trying out all the different 'doses'

Again, still no sense of time, all of the sudden I have stayed awake all night with ease, but damn am I tired. And still hearing that damn trance music.


7:00 - Just finished the 'adrenaline' iDose. My blood is pumping, and my body cant stop moving. I am no longer tired, and I make my way to school. My pupils arent enormous, but still slightly larger than normal. Trance music still playing.

12:00 - My pupils finally return to normal for the first time in two days (cant be healthy).

12:30 - Pupils slightly big again. Damn. -_- My pupils are on and off like this for the next 24 hours. STILL HEARING TRANCE MUSIC FROM EVERYWHERE. Starting to drive me crazy.

14:30 - I get home, eat a couple bites of food, which would be my first in two and a half days. I start to try and get this music to go away. I try to listen to other kinds of music, but whenever I do, I always hear trance as a sort of accompanyment to the song I listen to. I still cant seem to focus on where the music is coming from. I tell my roommates that I have been hearing music since we rolled, and he somewhat believes me.

19:00 - I have a breakthrough with this trance music I keep hearing. I have finally focused on the sounds of the music. I notice that they only come from objects that are making sound normally, but I am not hearing the normal sounds these objects should be emitting... I hear trance music instead...

20:00 - I smoke some MJ, in an effort to sleep. No effects other than normal high feelings, but the trance music is oddly LOUDER when I am high.

23:30 - Still not tired.


03:00 - Finally fall asleep. I think its over. Still hearing music.

07:00 - Wake up for school, late. Pupils normal. Body a little rested. POUNDING HEADACHE. Still hearing music when its not there. Starting to worry.

14:00 - Return home from a normal day at school, other than the music playing all around me of course.

15:00 - I have the most extreme audio hallucination I have ever had.

My roommate was cooking ground beef, with it making the sizzle noise I knew it should be making. But none-the-less, I hear it as trance. I step closer to the cooking meat, and it suddenly returns to the normal sizzle sound I know it should make. This is the first time in almost four days I have not heard any trance music. I step back, only for the music to return. I close my eyes for a second, and the music suddenly sweeps me away. I stand there for 90 seconds with my eyes closed listening to music that I know for a fact isn't there. When I opened them, they were dialated, and I felt as if I was on the effects of ecstasy again. My roommate took my heart rate: 220 bpm. SOMETHING substantial was happening to my brain, whether I knew/know what it was/is or not. I still have no idea how hallucinated trance music can induce such a strong reaction like that.

After that, I decide it best I rest until the music goes away. I fell asleep that night, and woke up with it gone, only for it to return in the afternoon once I started to get tired again. I very quickly decided to go to sleep when the music started again. I woke up the following morning (Saturday) 100% fine. No music. No fatigue. Normal day. First one I've had all week.

I still have many questions about what caused the music, and the intense 'rollback' I had three days after MDMA ingestion.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95338
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 20, 2024Views: 33
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