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Sublime Feeling of Inner Peace
Kratom (15X Extract)
Citation:   AwokenLight. "Sublime Feeling of Inner Peace: An Experience with Kratom (15X Extract) (exp95418)". Aug 22, 2018.

2 g oral Kratom (liquid)
11:35 - Drank about 2g of 15x kratom in powder form(about 30g of normal strength leaves) with Biola(sour milk), the taste was quite bitter by itself(I tasted the powder), but it was easy to drink in the biola. Although I did have to drink another glass to make the taste go away.

12:05 - Not noticing any obvious effects, but feel a general calmness. I lit a candle for the sake of niceness and aroma, I am listening to Chill Dubstep

12.15 - Feel a slight tingeling in my body, and I feel a subtle nausiousness, I enjoy this feeling.

12:20 - Going outside, the sun is shining, I am going to the mall to buy clothes.

12:35 - Usually when I got to the mall I have a angsty feeling that everybody is looking at me, I didnt feel anything like that today. All I felt was calmness.

14:20 - I got back to my room, It was nice being outside in the sun today. Feel a general sense of comfort.

14:30 - Got that subtle tingeling in my arms and legs now, my hearing is ... Somehow different, I dont know how to describe it.

15:30 - The effects have worn off. I think...

Well the effects I experienced where minimal(probably a badly potent extract). It's a great drug to take if I want to relax on a saturday, I will not be taking it every day

Though, Drugs are not for every day use, they are for special occations.

I will be taking kratom aga

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95418
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 933
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Various (28)

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