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The Insect Nurse
Citation:   boognish79. "The Insect Nurse: An Experience with DMT (exp95475)". Jul 17, 2017.

  smoked DMT
Third experience smoking DMT using a bong fit with a DMT slide.

Dose estimated at less than but possibly close to 50mg. I Put 200mg DMT in the vaporization chamber, as weighed by the gentleman I purchased the substance from. I weighed the pipe before and after filling it on my scale, which only measures in increments of .1 g, with the pipe weighing 35.3g empty and 35.5g filled, for a difference of 0.2g or 200mg. I weighed the pipe after smoking, and the scale still read 35.5g, so I can only pin the dose I took between 0 and 100mg, though judging by the fact that the pipe STILL weighed in at 35.5g after my friend smoked, my dose was probably less than 50mg.

Relevant background information I've just recently begun working as a registered nurse. I love my job and it is extremely rewarding, but it also takes an enormous amount of emotional energy to perform. The relevance of this will make sense later.

Before smoking, I put on some music, and I sat with my bong in my lap. I meditated with my mind focused on the music. After a few minutes, I began to vaporize the DMT.

I took several good bong rips, taking a couple of breaths of air in between each one. After the first, I could feel a strong body high accompanying a sense of peaceful elation combined with excitement. Visually, everything became more crisp and vividly colored. After the second, those effects intensified, with fractal patterns of light beginning to move over the surfaces in my room. I don't remember how many hits I took after that. I had been told by a friend that I just had to keep hitting the bong until I became physically incapable of lighting it. I stopped just shy of that, both because of how high I already felt, and because of the unpleasantness of the sensation of inhaling the vaporized DMT.

I closed my eyes and was able to see a detailed contoured surface covered by alternating bands of color. Running along the bands were characters from an alien language- characters that I've seen before behind my eyelids while under the influence of psilocybin mushrooms. In the foreground in front of this surface was a female figure, but more like a 3D computer rendering of a cartoonish nurse. Almost looked like a playmobil figure, but with a Japanese manga-esqe look to it. Almost like a 3D computer icon representing a nurse. It was in a standing position with its elbows bent 90 degrees, so its forearms stuck straight out in front of it, palms flat, thumbs up. It was spinning in space along all 3 axes.

The music was extremely interesting and detailed and silly-sounding, which seemed even more funny accompanied by the bizarre imagery I was seeing. Then the figure changed to a presence before me- a female nurturing healing energy embodied a vague presence. That presence was simultaneously manifesting as bug or butterfly, with the same bands of color and alien characters as described earlier. The bug extended its proboscis into my being, and I could see characters flowing along it towards me. I described the experience to my wife and our friend afterwards as feeling like I was being ministered to, in the sense of having my needs met by the healing presence in front of me. I had a role-reversal experience where I was the one in need of healing and was being cared for by benevolent beings.

At no point during the experience did I have the sensation of leaving my body that I've heard described many times by many different people. When I opened my eyes, I felt a profound joy and could still see fractal patterns of light moving over the surfaces in my room. I turned to my right and kissed my wife, then started laughing and describing my experience. I interpreted the experience as an encounter with the archetypal form and energy of a nurse. In a sense, I was interacting with and being cared for by The Nurse.

Four hours later, while I can feel no effects of the drug, I feel an afterglow- a sense of peace, as well as excitement about having another experience tomorrow.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95475
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jul 17, 2017Views: 1,119
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DMT (18) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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