Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Accidental High Dose Adventure
AMT & Cannabis
Citation:   psyched. "Accidental High Dose Adventure: An Experience with AMT & Cannabis (exp95486)". Dec 8, 2017.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral AMT  
  T+ 5:00 .5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
To begin, I should mention that I had no previous experience with AMT prior to this trip. I had used other psychedelics such as LSD, DMT and 2C-B, and I believe that these experiences helped to prepare me for my trip. Although AMT is often regarded as more of an MDMA type buzz when compared to other psychedelic tryptamines, it certainly does have the potential to become VERY visual at high doses.

The adventure began at my friend M’s house. We were planning to head into town that evening, and M was keen for me to try some 6-APB that he had been raving about. So at around 7 in the evening, two 100mg bombs were weighed out and consumed. Literally the second I swallowed my dose, M shouts ‘FUCK’! It turns out he got his 6-APB and AMT mixed up, and we had both just consumed doses notably higher than what a reputable website's dosage chart describes as a ‘heavy’ dose. My initial reaction was to panic. I was aware that AMT was notorious for causing nausea when consumed in normal sized doses, so I imagined I could be in for a highly unpleasant trip. However, I soon managed to regain my composure and began the trip in fairly high spirits. (It is worth noting that I noticed prominent colour enhancement mere minutes after swallowing my dose, although this may have been a placebo effect rather than an actual effect of the drug).

We were sitting in M’s basement watching TV when I began to feel the onset of effects. At this point, they took the form of a buzzing, electric feeling, somewhat warm and pleasantly stimulating. Visuals were obviously present by this point, with watermark style patterning appearing on the carpet and my perceptions kept picking out details in my surroundings. This appeared to be somewhat chaotic but I was still feeling comfortable and in control at this point. About 2 and a half hours had passed since we had ingested our doses. During this time, M was sick but I was fortunate enough to not experience any nausea during this particular experience.

We decided to head out to a nearby shop to get some rolling skins for the evening. Walking felt very strange but somewhat effortless. Although I didn’t see any obvious visuals while walking in the dark, my vision was clearly quite distorted as at one point I couldn’t tell if I was looking at markings on a pavement or a group of people approaching from a distance, and at another point we walked right up to a wall before realising we were at a dead end. In the end, it turned out the shop we had been planning to go to was closed, so we ventured into town. On route, we stopped at a roundabout type play park and sat there for a while, at which point I observed the visual phenomena around. The ground was now covered in very clear patterning that resembled lizard bones. This didn’t concern me as I had seen visuals of this nature on acid and 2C-B previously. Interestingly, I asked M what he saw when he looked at the ground and his response was ‘Godzilla skins’. So perhaps this is a fairly commonly experienced psychedelic visual.

We ended up stopping in at the end of a rock gig and generally having fun tripping out around town before finally finding a garage that was selling Rizla’s. It was only around this point, four hours or so into the experience, that I felt I had truly reached the peak. We returned to M’s basement and turned on some music we both enjoyed (initially Scottish band Trapped in Kansas) along with the iTunes visualizer. Although I noticed some interesting effects with the visualizer (faces appearing with a very tryptamine feel to them) I was more interested in my surrounding OEV’s and CEV’s. The walls were alive with colour and I perceived 3 dimensional faces (mouths seemed to be a recurring visual element of the trip) and such on the walls. Things got very intense, but not overwhelmingly or unpleasantly so. The trip had an almost spiritual feel, and I felt like I was on a high dose LSD trip but with more of a tryptamine feel to the visuals (based on my experiences with DMT). I felt euphoric and music sounded sublime.

And then… things started to go wrong. I started feeling VERY anxious, a feeling similar to my only bad trip with LSD. This feeling of anxiety started very mild but seemingly out of nowhere, and it increased in intensity very fast. We had started smoking cannabis around this stage, so perhaps this may have caused my reaction. I wanted to tell M but it took me a while to get the words out as rationalizing was very difficult and my thoughts were racing. The visuals also took a dark turn at this point, and I saw blue serpent creatures appearing on the walls and even a strange, cartoony murder scene with blood splatters behind closed eyes (although the visuals were merely annoying at this stage, my irrational anxiety was the main problem). Things also got rather dissociative, and at one point I realised I had been looking at a closed eye visual of the wallpaper back at my own flat for quite some time without even realising what I was looking at. This unpleasantness seemed to go on for quite some time but I expect it probably didn’t last nearly as long as it seemed (my perceptions of time were long gone so it is difficult to give accurate times- for the most part, time seemed to slow down significantly).

M suggested we move to the upstairs living room to lie on the couches up there. Although the walk through the dark house was somewhat spooky in my panicking state, I soon managed to see past my anxiety and surrendered to the experience. We lay around in the dark in the upstairs living room for an hour or so, listening to more music. My visuals were still strong, but had a different feel in this new environment. Reality seemed to be morphing drastically like an inconsistently paced and very fast slide show. This is very difficult to describe but for me, quite reminiscent of the open eyed visual style of DMT. A plant in the corner took the form of a peacock (not quite but I can’t pinpoint exactly what it was, it felt strangely sacred anyway). The light fixtures on the ceiling were morphing in an entrancing way. At one point I looked over at M on the other side of the room and thought his face had melted in a rather disturbing manner (which kept on morphing). However, this turned out to be a trick of my eyes as I eventually realised his actual face was at the other end of the sofa! Despite the continued intensity of the visuals, I was quite content to just observe at this stage rather than letting fear creep in, and I hope that in some way this experience will help me to face anxiety in future psychedelic experiences.

At about 4 o’clock, I was feeling tired despite still tripping hard and decided to walk home (I live within a 10 minute walk). I had a VERY restless night and got next to no sleep, which is hardly surprising. The psychedelic effects had started to subside and I was no longer interested in them. There is nothing else particularly noteworthy to mention about my experience. When I checked in the mirror at around half one the next afternoon, my pupils were still fully dilated, although I was pretty much back to baseline aside from feeling indistinguishably ‘not sober’. I felt lethargic and my appetite was non-existent until night time, but otherwise I felt pretty reasonable considering the size of dose I had taken. There was no nausea or headaches present during the trip or afterwards, which I was grateful for.

Overall, I was very happy with the experience. I had been meaning to try AMT sometime, but if this accidental dosing had never occurred I doubt I would have ever experienced this chemical to its full potential. I hope to try AMT again in the future, although at a more ‘standard’ sized dose. Although I seem to have come to no harm from the experience (as did M), it would be foolhardy to assume that this is a safe dosage as little is currently known about the long term effects of AMT. Be safe and happy tripping!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 8, 2017Views: 1,130
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AMT (7), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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