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The Hangover
2C-E & 2C-I
Citation:   ianfleming. "The Hangover: An Experience with 2C-E & 2C-I (exp95536)". May 4, 2018.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 10 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 0:30 1 tablet oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
Late March of 2012 a few friends and I had decided to trip out at my place.

There was myself, male, 125 pounds.
Another male, 260lb, we'll refer to him as Kev
And a female, about 170lb, we'll call her Kris

At 4:30 we all took 2 solutions, one was 15mg of 2c-i and the other was 10mg 2c-e.

Around 5:00 we all took a Dramamine chewable because we felt a little sick.

By 5:15 we could feel it a bit. I was starting to enjoy myself. Visuals were great.

By maybe 5:45 I was gone.
I remember small bits between the next 4 hours. I remember all 3 of us rolling around on my bed, I remember sitting in a leather chair in my room feeling like Tony Montoya. I remember trying to get to my kitchen and eating a chocolate covered cherry. I remember the painting of a plane in my room looking like one of those little handheld hologram cards.

By 10:30 I regained control of myself and my thoughts but was still tripping pretty hard. I noticed that my teeth felt weird and looked in a mirror, I was having an issue with vision (I was seeing doubles, like astigmatism). I could make out that I had chipped one of my front teeth (no idea how). I freaked out because I was still pretty fucked up. I was not quite sure of the day and time yet. I felt compelled to check Kev and Kris's teeth. Kris has a small chip in one of her teeth too (old damage). When I saw this I flipped out. I was CERTAIN that we had been fucked up for like 3 days straight, taken multiple redoes and were losing our teeth like meth-heads. My friends talked me down and I was able to enjoy the last 2 or so hours of the trip. Kev also broke his glasses which we were unable to fix during the trip. Things were INSANELY visual and we all experienced motion sickness.

I did not enjoy most of my trip, I enjoy both these chemicals, just not together.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95536
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 861
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2C-I (172), 2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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