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Mixing with Coca Cola
Citation:   Shingitty Batingding. "Mixing with Coca Cola: An Experience with Cocaine (exp95619)". Apr 25, 2012.

110 mg oral Cocaine (powder / crystals)
Since waking up late this morning and taking 2 bong rips of layered marijuana & tobacco, as well as a couple bowls of just green I came to realize that I had some left over Cocaine. After the stoned feeling wore off I decided I wanted to see if there would be any effect if I simply mixed a bump into about a shot of Coca-Cola (didn't really feel like snorting).

I was surprised to see how easily it dissolves in the liquid. The onset, furthermore, was also surprisingly sudden given the method of intake.

I felt awake almost instantaneously and though the effect was more subtle, it seemed to last close to half as long. I can see why it used to be in cola, it mixes well and makes the drink more effective for what it was likely originally intended for, a quick pick-me-up for non coffee drinkers.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95619
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 25, 2012Views: 2,574
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Cocaine (13) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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