Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
A Day at the College's Block Party
Citation:   MrMoran. "A Day at the College's Block Party: An Experience with 2C-E (exp95628)". Oct 14, 2012.

15 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
I decided for the convenience of time's sake, to start this experiment at noon, knowing fully well that time might at times become irrelevant to me. Having measured out about 15mg, I decided that this would be a sufficient starting dose, and I also decided to dissolve it in 150mL of water (approximately 100ug per mL) for convenience of consumption's sake. There was next-to-no bitterness in the beverage's taste.

My friend, whom I shall refer to as Todd, has mild Asperger's syndrome, and decided that he wanted to try this out with me. Normally, I'd have reservations about this sort of thing, but I figured I might as well get to know the kid a bit, and withhold judgements. Todd is a smart kid, when it comes to books; not street smart at all. Todd has a plethora of historical knowledge, and an interesting way of seeing things. He and I decide to do 2C-E together.

During this period of time, I had noticed no changes in the way I was perceiving things.

During this period of time, the onset began, and it was rather gentle at first. A + at the very least. I felt a light tingly sensation in my body, as if my limbs were made of clouds, and everything began to feel VERY soft. Music began to appear to be more vivid. Aside from that, the nature of the drug wasn't fully apparent.

Around this time, along with the onset of the effects began the onset of nausea, which persisted throughout my trip. It was pretty bad here, and was probably the worst at this point compared to every other point. After moving for about 15 seconds, I proceeded to vomit on my porch, and then was faced with the task of cleaning it up. Definite ++ at this point, where the effects of the drug became apparent. The body high was very similar to what I felt when I was on DMT, but maybe about 75% of DMT's at the very worst. Moving was completely nauseating. After I grabbed the mop to clean up the mess, I felt nausea again and proceeded to dry-heave over a toilet for about a minute or so. After all of this, I felt fine for the most part.

I smoked a cigarette, and continued to relax. I then go upstairs and find Todd sitting there, listening to his music, and it beginning to set in for him. As he is a heavier-set guy, I would like to point out it affects him the same way it affects me, but it just takes a lot longer and is much slower to set in. He and I relax and listen to music for a little while, but since I was beginning to have a bad trip and was feeling anxious about vomiting, I wanted to head out and about. As I was leaving, I noticed my friend's girlfriend's shirt, which was bright light pink, and I could not help but notice how colorful it was. +++

As I wait for my friend Todd, I began staring at the wood grain in the door, and began thinking about how it would be like a product of a graphing calculator's result. Then I began to think about integration, and the way trees grow, and this was all while the grains and patterns of the door were melting into each other. It was a very interesting sight to see, and I really loved how the door began to change colors at this point as well.

I arrive on campus to find something spectacular being setup before my eyes. A Block Party, where a few jupiter jumps and inflatable games are found around, along with a dunk tank, and a stage setup for a band.

As I relaxed in the shade with Todd, I began pointing out all the patterns I was seeing. Todd explained to me that his mind normally picks out fractal patterns that mine only does when I am on psychedelics. But, he said, and I quote, 'It's as if my vision went to 1080p.' It was a very well-put way of saying that he was certainly feeling the effects. The sidewalks shown some of the most intricate patterns I would ever see: faint outlines or highlights of natural, Persian-style rug designs in the pebbles and the cracks between them. He was impressed with the tracers and color-enhancement, though. +++ The drug's effects were no longer ignorable at this point.

Soon I began to look for other people to hang out with, and my friend Marie walks by myself and Todd, and we proceed to hang out. Up until this point, I was feeling slightly superficial and artificial, and a bit weirded/bummed out because I rated my mood as a 4/10 before I got to where the block party was being setup. After talking with Marie for about 30 minutes, my mood went to an 8/10, and I instantly felt a lot better. She and I proceeded to smoke cigarettes.

Marie, Todd, and I all decided to go inside the college student center acquire some beef jerky, which felt very adventurous to all of us. As we walked into the university bookstore, she bought some beef jerky and I had bought some mystery flavored gum. The floor held a very intricate and weaving cross-hatched pattern, and the counters were slightly iridescent in their sheen. All of this was very distracting as I tried to charge this to a credit card, which also meant I had to sign a receipt - another, difficult task.

After all of this, we returned to our spot for a short while, then proceeded to let Todd lead us the way to an appointment our friend Marie had at 3:45 or so. He haphazardly guided across town sometimes forgetting where it was and leading us in the wrong direction.

Todd and I then walked through a scenic part of campus, and I could not help but feel relaxed, elated, and at ease. My mind was EASILY at a +++, and my mood was very close to a 9/10. It wasn't a perfect mood, but it was pretty close. I send my friend a text saying 'I am filled with love for this state of mind, and things feel tingly and awesome.'

On our way back to the block party, Todd and I stop in a park on my college campus, and I sit on a bench and proceed to stare for about 15 minutes at the trees and the sidewalk. The colors were just so vivid, even with my sunglasses on, and the tracers and trails that the tree's leaves were making were quite impressive.

I leave Todd talking with some people who are Larpers (Live-Action Role Players; the guys with foam swords), and I watch him actually talk with these people for an extended period of time, which is unusual for Todd to do.
As he was talking, I decided that this Jupiter Jump looked fun. The objective of it all was to get into this velcro suit, and there was a wall made of velcro as well, and you were to jump up against it, and sit there until you fell down. Getting into the suit alone was very challenging while you're tripping, because things just don't make sense sometimes. I then proceeded to jump against it and feel a massive wedgie, but continued to do it a couple more times. There were plenty of other games around, and I began to realize that all a game really is: a simple task that's given some form of twist or challenge.

After all of these games, it was about 4pm or so, and I decided that I wanted to go to the restroom since I hadn't all day. By this point, I was at about a ++: the walls were still morphing slightly as I was peeing , which was interesting, but a lot of the other classical psychedelia was gone by this point. I then proceed to go back outside, and I see that Todd is still talking with the LARPers. Not really wanting to meet back up with Todd, I decide that I shall sit on the lawn of the school and watch as a band starts to setup to play. I meet this guy named Jack, who was also just chilling out on the lawn, and he and I strike up a conversation, and as it would turn out, Jack was also quite high.

I found conversing and approaching people a lot easier while I was on 2C-E. Dinner in particular was especially delicious, as I had dinner with a friend who was going to move into my fraternity this summer, a person from my old Engineering Design group, and a couple other people I had seen around from time to time. Acquaintances, yes, but I was having a blast talking to them and listening to them, and we all were acquaintances, but we all became friends throughout the whole dinner. It was certainly a lot of fun, and dinner was especially delicious. As I was eating dinner, though, I kept getting captivated by all sorts of little things, such as Easter Eggs. Still a ++ by this point, and it was about 6:30.

After dinner, I decide to finally head back to my house, where I met with one of my housemates, and give him some of the 2C-E in solution since he had wanted to try it. I layed on his floor for about an hour, just staring at his fan moving around because I couldn't tell how many fan blades there were (due to tracers). Finally, it could start doing crazy mind tricks on the fan, where I would make it look like the blades had stopped in place, and then proceeded to turn around and accelerate very rapidly in the other direction. This effect was much akin to how a fan looks under a strobe light, and changing the speed of strobe light changes the speed of the fan and its direction. ++

During this time, I began to come down. Tracers were still there, and food was still delicious, but it wasn't as intense as it all had been. Doors' patterns were no logner melting and morphing, colors were not changing as much as they had been. I was at maybe a + at this point. I was still very inclined to lay down, or just sit somewhere for a while.

Physical Effects:
Accelerated heart rate
Slightly heightened body temperature
Chills and tremors
Dilated Pupils
Increased stamina and energy

Mental Effects:
Heightened senses
Loss of a sense of time
Tracers and morphing of objects
Changing of colors
Seeing fractal and paisley patterns patterns (OEV/CEV)
Enhancement of music
Profound thoughts; seeing old things in new ways
Short-term memory loss (especially when combined with alcohol)

Mind: 7/10
While my thoughts were not necessarily trippy, or absurd, there were things that my mind was showing me that I realized I had really enjoyed. I really had enjoyed the patterns my eyes would see when I would stare at sidewalks, as well as floors, or even in the trees. Nature is the best architect, though. Despite all of this, though, I was relatively clear-headed, even though I was evidently tripping balls. Color enhancement was a bit tame, though.

Body: 10/10
Oh my god the body load. Holy shit. The body load for this was rather intense, and a bit overwhelming at times; even at 15mg. I would move for about 15 seconds, and feel nauseated, or if I moved too quickly, I would feel nauseated. There certainly wasn't a whole lot that could be done about the nausea. My jaw was clenched a bit as well. On top of all of this, with a tremendous amount of energy I felt from doing this, I also felt the overwhelming urge to sit down and just SIT. But I couldn't just sit, I wanted to move around while sitting, and that was simply not happening. It was a very complex and bipolar feeling.

Mood: Varied
My mood was a bit anxious and down-trodden when I was going into the whole trip. I was not sure if I was going to have a good time, and I realize that the only thing that ultimately controls the trip is yourself. I mean, you can try as you might to have a good trip by yourself, but it simply will not work sometimes. Sometimes you need to hang with friends, and that'll initiate a good trip. There are no guarantees of a good trip with this compound. This compound accentuates your mood, and likes to polarize it.

Possible uses:
I find it hard to abuse this compound because it simply would not be feasible. You'd be vomiting and have a bad trip far before you'd get anywhere close to being dependent on 2C-E.

One could describe it as recreational, but that word doesn't quite fit its bill as much as the word recreational would fit something like 4-AcO or 6-APB. Which brings me to its medical uses.

It could have some uses in psychotherapy and certainly has its uses unlocking the mind and discovering the way the mind behaves, but it doesn't really quite have the magic that others do, though it still feels slightly special and magical in its own right.

When used within its proper dosage, it is an incredibly benign compound. I've witnessed doses of between 30 to 40mg (though I strongly caution one against such a strong dosage), and all it did was send the heart rate of the subject to about 100 to 110 bpm.

It helps catalyze creativity, as your mind explores old thoughts in new ways.

Overall commentary:
It was an interesting compound, don't get me wrong, and I know I enjoyed it, but it felt a bit too uncertain. 15mg means I have a decent trip, but 20mg becomes something entirely different; doing 25mg is pretty much unimaginable to me. I would like to try another 2C-family member soon, but I cannot decide which one. Probably a 2C-halogen of sorts, but again, I cannot decide which one. 2C's certainly showed me what was possible with psychedelic phenethylamines, and I intend to explore them further. I am not sure I want 2C-E again, though, simply because that body load and nausea were a bit too much for me at times, and the color enhancement wasn't exactly what I was looking for (though it was nice). 2C-I is supposedly similar, but without so much of a body load, and a bit more of color enhancement and visuals. Still though, this felt like a massage for my brain, and a nice little exercise for my eyes. 2C-E was interesting, but I felt like it should have been coupled with something else, rather than taken on its own.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95628
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 14, 2012Views: 3,844
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2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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