Hepatitis-Like Jaundice
Citation:   FakeName. "Hepatitis-Like Jaundice: An Experience with Kratom (exp95669)". Erowid.org. Jan 15, 2014. erowid.org/exp/95669

10 Tbsp oral Kratom (tea)
I read this the kratom-related hepatitis symptom report on erowid: nlogn. 'Kratom-Induced Hepatitis?: experience with Kratom (ID 88678)'. Erowid.org. Mar 7, 2011. erowid.org/exp/88678.

I had nearly the same experience she did.

I took kratom 4-10 Tablespoons per day for a whole week while working. All of a sudden I lost appetite and then started feeling sick. I thought I had the stomach flu as I had those symptoms. But I went to the doctor and they did a blood test. My liver enzymes were very very high. My feces were pale too and my skin was jaundiced.

I was sent to a gastrologist who prescribed me Ursodiol, saying I had a blocked bile passage. My gastrologist told me most likely caused by the kratom. I had a liver biopsy and the diagnosed the blockage of the bile duct caused by a unknown substance. That was most likely kraton.

When i stopped kratom things started going back to normal, but it took a month and half for my the jaundice to go away and my appetite recover. I had taken way higher doses than what you'd read online. After I started on the Ursodiol, I recovered really fast. I am much better but still recovering. My doctors say I have no permanent liver damage/inflation. All my many blood tests I have been taking constantly came out showing nothing but high liver enzymes, I have no viral hepatitis A, B, or C.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2014Views: 9,412
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Kratom (203) : Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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