Destroying My Fears
Morning Glory & Meditation
Citation:   Noctifer218. "Destroying My Fears: An Experience with Morning Glory & Meditation (exp95677)". Jun 8, 2020.

15 seeds buccal Morning Glory
I had been interested in psychoactives for awhile, and their relation to spiritual gnosis when I came across Morning Glory. I read as much about them as I could, and decided the other night to try them for the first time. I bought 2 pouches of Heavenly Blues MGS and headed home.

Sitting in my room with my girlfriend, I meditated for a few minutes, then opened one of the packages. Little brown seeds came out that I have never seen before, but felt strangely familiar to me, like a friend one has not seen in years or a profound sense of deja-vu. I counted out 15, put the rest back in the pouch and chewed them up in my mouth one at a time, keeping the seed material in my mouth but not swallowing. It had a nice patchouli-like flavor, and once all 15 were chewed up, I did my best to hold them in my mouth, with a growing amount of saliva.

Within 10 minutes, I felt a burning feeling flow through my body, starting at my head and radiating out. At 15 minutes, I spat them out into a bottle and sat on the bed talking to my girlfriend. I felt kinda jittery, as if I had the shivers, but without the cold. My thoughts were lucid, but I began paying attention to random objects in the room, which began to look like other things, (a screw in the wall looked like an ant crawling, a tear in the wallpaper looked like a hand reaching up etc). About 30 minutes after spitting them out, I decided to lay on the bed and close my eyes. My body felt really relaxed and sedated, my minds eye awakening. It felt as though there were different points in the room that had more gravity than others, like mini gravity wells, pulling me towards them. While eyes closed, I saw a dark forest, and a pair of glowing eyes peered out from between the darkened trees. It stepped out, a creature which had the head of a red inverted mushroom, and a body of leaf foliage. We talked for awhile, in a telepathic way, and then he returned to the forest. I opened my eyes and it had been an hour since the sublingual mixture awakened my subtle senses. An hour later, I became sleepier, and lay down with my girlfriend and slept well for about 9 hours. Dreams were vivid and powerful that night. The next day, I felt a little off, kinda light headed, all day.

Since that night, I have been remembering events in my childhood that I had forgotten, and have used MGS to help dig deep into my memory and communicate with shamanic entities. In retrospect, MGS has helped give me a new sense of things, helped destroy my pre-concieved notions about life and its accompanying fears, and has helped me learn to deal with life on an even keel. They and meditation are inseparable. Dark Blessings...

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95677
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 8, 2020Views: 524
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Morning Glory (38), Meditation (128) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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