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A Dreamy Stillness
Citation:   Sam A. "A Dreamy Stillness: An Experience with Skullcap (exp95715)". Erowid.org. Jul 9, 2016. erowid.org/exp/95715

5 g oral Skullcap (tea)
I had recently purchased 12 grams of dried skullcap herb on-line, but never got the chance to consume the herb on its own as I was experimenting with different herbal mixtures, but I had approx. 5 grams left and decided to make some tea, using all of it.

I placed the remaining skullcap into a pan and poured about a cup full of boiling water over the herbs, and let them simmer for approx. 10 minutes. I then poured the mixture through a strainer into my cup and threw the spent herbs away. I decided to add 2 teaspoons of sugar and some milk, as skullcap is not the best tasting herb when drank on its own, very earthy and overwhelming.

Anyway, I drank the whole cup pretty fast as I was eager to see what it could do. Here is my report:

T-15 minutes: Starting to feel a bit sedated, and can feel a weird pressure at the sides of my heads near the temples, as if being pressed on gently.

T-30 minutes: I can definitely feel a rather pleasing sedating effect, much too intense to be placebo. I feel very relaxed and warm and my eyes have started to droop a bit, much like the effect of smoking cannabis.

T-45 minutes: I can feel full effects of the drink now and begin thinking 5 grams was too high a dose (the recommended is 1-2). I feel heavily sedated, warm and my body and head feel heavy, my eyes still droopy. I look out my window and contemplate how beautiful the sun looks, and the nature around me. I notice an overwhelming stillness in everything. I can hear the birds singing and the wind blowing through the trees and it is extremely reminiscent of a low dose of marijuana.

t-1 hour: Still heavily sedated, standing up is somewhat tiresome. I look in my mirror and I look exactly like I do when I've smoked marijuana. I go outside and notice everything just feels extremely peaceful, relaxed and still. I suffer from a bit of anxiety and that has totally been diminished by the herb, I feel warm and content with just sitting there and observing the beauty of nature.

That's it, I won't write any more as the herb reached its peak around the 45 minute mark, but all in all I was very impressed with my experience. With a high dose like I took, it was quite similar to a moderate dose of cannabis, very sedating, just not as psychedelic obviously.

A lovely and peaceful experience all in all.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95715
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 9, 2016Views: 9,731
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Skullcap (232) : General (1), Alone (16)

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