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I Am Bobby Dupea
Citation:   Antoine. "I Am Bobby Dupea: An Experience with LSD (exp95837)". Erowid.org. Apr 14, 2018. erowid.org/exp/95837

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral LSD
  T+ 17:00     Pharms - Thioridazine
I began fooling with drugs at 17, first with pot, hashish, glue & alcohol...occasionally, when I bumped into something. Once out of hi skool, I took a job as a supply clerk/printer for a local dept. store. I met other 'heads' there, mostly stockboys...thru 'the Polack', a fat racist loudmouth who led me to an acid dealer in the mall... I paid $5 for a tiny orange pill with brown flecks...this was 'Orange Wedge', very intense stuff.

I dropped the whole tab around noon, a Nov. Sunday, & then went to see 'heavy' flick 'Five Easy Pieces' w/ Jack Nicholson. The acid took about 90 minutes to hit; I turned into soup, and thought the sides of the theater were on fire; that passed and I got so deep into the movie that it became real. Jack's character Bobby Dupea was an alienated loner, full of angst, guilt and rootlessness. I would've seen myself in Bobby straight; on this shit, I thought I was Bobby, at least during the movie.
I would've seen myself in Bobby straight; on this shit, I thought I was Bobby, at least during the movie.

After that we split to my friend's apt. (he was straight) & the visuals began. I stared at a watermark 'Printed In USA' on his big Elliot Gould poster; suddenly the poster flowed with words, in shocking pink / lime green dayglo; when I tried to read them, they'd break up & change, undulating snake-like. I could shake the visions off; I dug this aspect, but was not into the abdomen to-head rushes.

Back home mom served dinner & ate it but cldn't taste it. Later I watched 'Lassie' and 'Ed Sullivan'...TV seemed to blunt hallucinating. My mom was in failing health and went into a woe-is-me speech, during which her face aged rapidly; later she went into a life's-not-so-bad speech & looked sixteen.

I repaired to my room & listened to 'White Light/ White Heat', but it sounded flat. I flashed on The Words again, now appearing on my closet door. Around 12 AM, my head felt straighter but the abdominal rushes wldn't stop; I cramped up, kept changing positions, cldn't sleep...around five AM I threw in the towel & asked Mom,'What shld I do?' She was quite mad, but said, Go to ER, which was walking distance. There I got rxed Mellarill to calm down & Quaalude to sleep... I didn't need the latter, saved them for 1971, ha ha. The Mellarill was as weird as the acid, but heavy down...it took me a few daze to snap out of it...

I didn't fuck with acid again for five years, the source a close bud I trusted.

Exp Year: 1970ExpID: 95837
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 14, 2018Views: 809
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LSD (2) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2)

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