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Forest In A Universe
Citation:   Psychonautic44. "Forest In A Universe: An Experience with Ketamine (exp95842)". Sep 3, 2017.

100 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
I'd like to start off with informing you all that this is only a small portion of my whole khole experience, I don't remember a majority of the trip. But I remember this first khole being way beyond what I had expected of ketamine.

I took the shot (intra-muscular injection)at roughly 10pm. It kicked in in only 30 seconds. I put my head phones on, lied back and got ready for my first khole experience.

For the first 5 - 10 minutes while it was coming up, I remember I kept opening my eyes every so often witnessing my vision slowly becoming more and more distorted, then I started feeling as if I was shrinking/sinking into my bed and although I felt as though I was falling, I had no sense of what direction I was going. It was almost as though I'd became part of the nothingness of the khole.

Then I (in a way) popped out the other side of the khole, I could see stars and galaxies all around me. And I could see myself walking around mindlessly in this strange universe, A large pine tree forest formed around me. And I began to walk around observing this forest, still very confused about what was happening. In the distance I could see my friend molly sitting on a large floating boulder, I quickly ran over to her and asked her 'What the fuck is happening!?' she turned, looked at me and said 'You must fix the cat's eyes.' Then suddenly my friends kitten appeared in my arms. Molly along with the rock disappeared into oblivion and I heard someone screaming at me, It was an old man chasing after me screaming 'You need to fix the cat's eyes or we're going to have to throw him out!'
I heard someone screaming at me, It was an old man chasing after me screaming 'You need to fix the cat's eyes or we're going to have to throw him out!'
I knew I had to run, but it was useless because I couldn't seem to move.

The man and the cat must have disappeared because I was now not concerned with this issue at all. I suddenly needed to find my friend allyson, and I was walking around looking for her. I came up to a hiker at the bottom of a cliff and asked him if he had seen my friend allyson, he showed me a picture of her and asked 'This girl?' I said yes, and he responded 'Oh yeah, I know her. She was raped and murdered yesterday, she's right over there.' He pointed at the cliff and I saw disfigured body parts lying everywhere.

I remember getting a feeling of dispair, and the entire universe disintegrated.

I must have blacked out after this point because my memory isn't very clear until I came back into reality and realized I was me and I had just taken a high dose of ketamine.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95842
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Sep 3, 2017Views: 1,026
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Ketamine (31) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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