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Effect on the Prostate
Citation:   Sparks. "Effect on the Prostate: An Experience with Damiana (exp95862)". Dec 10, 2017.

  smoked Damiana (daily)
I am presently going through a lot of stress in my life. I usually use cannabis on a daily basis to help with this, but I have to avoid it because I am looking for a job. It's also hard to get here, and of course there's always the risk of getting busted. Seeking a substitute, I bought some Damiana leaf/root from a local herb shop.

The first time I smoked it, I was not in the proper mindset to be altering my consciousness. I had just had an argument with a family member. Angry, I decided to go to the local forest and smoke some Damiana.

I walked deep into the beautiful woods and smoked about 10 one-hitter bowls. The Damiana smelled nice and it was not hard to smoke. After a few minutes I did notice that I was happier. I started smiling, and that hasn't been easy lately because of the turmoil in my life.

After I'd been smoking it daily for about four days, I noticed another very beneficial effect. I suffer from an enlarge prostate. It's been very difficult for me to urinate for a long time. Up to this point I have been using Saw Palmetto, one tablet per day, with little success. Four days after smoking Damiana once per day, urination became easier! The difference is absolute AMAZING. I haven't had it so good for a long time.

So now I use Damiana to relax and 'lighten up' a bit AND for my enlarged prostate. I have yet to drink it in tea, I will try that someday.

I did NOT notice any enhanced dreams. Perhaps I did have dreams and don't remember any of them!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95862
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 52
Published: Dec 10, 2017Views: 3,112
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Damiana (107) : Alone (16), Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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