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Alice in Wonderland and Alien Abductions
Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT)
Citation:   Red Jesus. "Alice in Wonderland and Alien Abductions: An Experience with Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT) (exp95909)". Nov 23, 2017.

20 mg smoked Banisteriopsis caapi (plant material)
  20 mg smoked Heimia salicifolia (plant material)
  20 mg smoked Damiana (plant material)
  40 mg smoked DMT (freebase)
(100 mg Changa consisting of 20 mg of Heimia 20 mg of Damiana 20 Mg of B. Caapi and 40 mg of DMT)

100 mg changa
20 mg heimia sacifloria
20 mg b.caapi
20 mg damiana
40 mg DMT freebase

Just some background information about myself so that you know about my DMT history. I’ve had quite a few DMT and changa experiences now as I had pulled around 4 grams of DMT from some mimosa I ordered and smoked and tried pharmahuasca with around two of the four grams and made changa with the other two grams. The changa was 40% DMT to 60% leaf distributed among b.caapi, damiana, and heimia sacifloria.

Every time I sit down to smoke DMT I have a little bit of anxiety just because I’ve had quite a few very intense experiences that will leave me in a trancelike state where I just kind of bob back and forth for around five minutes and then come back to reality very disoriented with very little recollection of what just happened. This time was no exception with the anxiety, but I had used this batch of changa the past few nights and was feeling slightly less anxious than usual after having just broken through a “psychic barrier” that had kept me from breaking through on DMT for about a month. What I mean by a psychic barrier is that when I had smoked DMT for the past month or so I had felt the feeling of DMT, but without an abundance of visual phenomena. The psychic barrier was broken when I had hit this changa two nights before this particular experience when I asked the DMT spirit what I was doing wrong and it told me I wasn’t paying attention, that I wasn’t focusing. After I was told this and used this advice, I was able to focus and break through again.

On this particular occasion, I was completely alone in my room at night (around nine or ten) with the lights dimmed, the curtains closed, and I had just put on Thievery Corporation’s “Lebanese Blond” as I packed my bong with this particular batch of changa (I like to call my bong the cosmic shotgun, as within 3 or 4 hits of dmt, I have blasted off and am way out there in hyperspace).

After the initial hit I instantly had the feeling of dmt in my mind, by this I mean that I felt a kind of spiritual presence in my brain (I've had other friends describe this first hit as a kind of religious ecstasy, I like to describe it as spiritual love because that's how it generally feels to me), and the anxiety I was dealing with just sort of melted away. I took another toke out of my bong and closed my eyes, now colors (mostly warm faded colors: red, orange, yellow, some purple and blue thrown in there also) were forming in geometric shapes that moved around in a hexagonal pattern in the blackness behind my eyelids.

'Pretty typical thus far,' I thought, and I took a couple more tokes and closed my eyes again and at this point the colors were melding together to form a landscape of sorts, a very Alice in Wonderlandesque landscape, in which I mean the trees and landscape were long and twisty and incredibly psychedelic (the trees were curled and striated with neon colors, kind of like the pattern of a cardiac muscle cell if you've seen one under a microscope, but much more spiraled and neon colored).

I hovered above a beige colored dirt path in this landscape zoomed along this windey path that would go up and up to the peak of a hill and then down into a valley. The path was always surrounded by the psychedelic trees and the experience felt like I was being led through the landscape, but I couldn't see any entities leading me through it, it was just a feeling of being led or that I following something/someone.

I opened my eyes to take a few more hits from the bong and when I looked around the room, I saw the mad hatter sitting in the chair next to me with eyes lit on fire and glowing red, while laughing hysterically. He is dressed in the typical mad hatter attire, green suit, black tophat with the card in it, striped colored shirt and really just absolutely blowing my mind because its the mad hatter. Now this image is so absurd and his laughter so hysterical, that I'm soon laughing maniacally along with him.

After a solid twenty to thirty second laugh session with the mad hatter, I feel elated and I take a couple more hits from the cosmic shotgun and truely blast off. After I those hits my vision goes white, I feel completely disconnected from my body, but still have a very firm of grip on my mind, I panic a little when this happens, and am beamed upward into a spaceship. The feeling of being beamed up was somewhat comforting, much like a motherly embrace, it warmed my body and calmed me down after the initial panic.

Inside the space craft the walls were blue with weird instruments and dials on the panels for measuring things, sort of like a cockpit in a plane except circular in shape and well… in an alien's spaceship. The total inside of the room I was in was probably around 30 feet tall and maybe 30-40 feet in diameter. There was also a pole in the very center of the craft that was very steam-punkish, by which I mean the inner workings were visible with the cogs turning. The room itself reminded me somewhat of the Tardis from Dr. Who, but the room layout and the color sceme changed quite dramatically.

The entities that I assume were in control of the ship appeared to me as glowing white light that hovered above the floor in spherical shapes, but they had no definite boundaries as they were made of energy. The entities told me telepathically, that dmt is the tool in order to meet them, that I was the chosen one, and was here on earth for a special purpose.

As an important sidenote to being told I'm the chosen one, I’ve had megalomaniac tendencies in the past, once during a panic attack where I thought I was Jesus and another while on five hits of LSD where I thought I was the creator of the world (Thinking that you are the 'chosen one' (creator, God, however you want to define it) is TERRIFYING by the way as it comes with the implicit responsibility of teaching EVERYONE how to become enlightened and requires you to hold the world together), so the aliens telling me I'm the chosen might have been a manifestation of this in dmt form.

After they told me this I was slowly beamed back into my body with them repeating 'you're the chosen one, you're the chosen one.' The meeting with the aliens and the ride down was incredibly fast and much more disorienting then the ride up. When I realize I am back in my body, I reopen my eyes and my dorm is still wavering with rainbow fractal patterns, but was slowly coming back into focus and becoming slightly less colorful. At this point; however, I as still very much disoriented from the whole experience and truely believe I had just been abducted my aliens, so I call my friend Chris (who is a fellow psychonaut and I figured would empathize with an alien abduction) to tell what had happened the whole exchange sounded something like this: (this is not verbatim, but pretty close)
Chris: Hello?
Me: DUDE, I just got kidnapped by FUCKING ALIENS!
Chris: What?
Me: Like what the FUCK, I just got kidnapped by motherfucking aliens, dude! I was hitting my changa when I was beamed up in this spacecraft and they told me I.... oh wait, I guess I hit DMT and went crazy. Uh... sorry dude, I guess I'm still kind of tripping balls!
Chris: Uh... okay. I guess I'll talk to you later then.

After I got off the phone, I was still shaking with excitement, I kept thinking 'No, way, I can't believe that just happened.' I had read about people being abducted and all sorts of crazy shit, but until it actually happened to me I didn't really think it possible for the mind to come up with some shit like that. Within about ten minutes or fifteen minutes after the phone call, I was totally back in reality, still a little awestruck at the whole experience, but no visual or residual effects from the DMT. The whole exchange with the aliens and the Alice in Wonderlandesque landscape lasted only around seven or eight minutes, so the entire experience was around fifteen to twenty minutes.

This was by far one of the most intense experiences I’ve ever had on DMT, when I came back I was totally convinced that I had been abducted by aliens, it wasn’t until I remembered that I had just smoked dmt that I doubted whether or not that whole exchange really happened. I can say for sure that the Alice in Wonderlandesque landscape was formed by the DMT because it felt like and followed typical DMT patterns (i.e. Colors form into object, object forms into landscape, landscape forms into object, rinse repeat, etc.), but the abduction felt so real that I feel it’s possible that I was abducted and the aliens were just waiting until I was using DMT to abduct me.

I went to bed after typing up a very poorly written and quite confusing account of the experience and then woke up the next day feeling refreshed and with a positive energy and went through and corrected most of the mistakes in this.

Nine months later I opened this back up, realized that it was still really poorly written and hopefully clarified a lot of what I was trying to say.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95909
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 23, 2017Views: 1,874
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DMT (18), Banisteriopsis caapi (169), Changa (816) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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