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Mildly Relaxed and General Sense of Well Being
Buprenorphine, Naloxone & Cannabis
by Sean
Citation:   Sean. "Mildly Relaxed and General Sense of Well Being: An Experience with Buprenorphine, Naloxone & Cannabis (exp96001)". Sep 28, 2018.

  sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine  
    sublingual Naloxone  
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Suboxone film

Was at an afterparty the other night when someone walked in and said they had some opiates to chill out on. He gave me a little foil package that had one 8mg dose of film on it that looks like an orange translucent blotter paper. He warned me that he had taken half a dose and ended up on the bathroom floor the day before and told me to be careful with it.

I've had some experience with opiates (norcos/percs/oxy) but not for a few years and I had never heard of this particular drug. A quick Internet search revealed that it was a semi synthetic opioid use to treat opioid addiction. I cut off a sliver of the film and placed it under my tongue to try it out before I went to a higher dosage. Within 15 minutes I was mildly relaxed and felt a general sense of well being, but it didn't progress to anything more until I smoked a bowl of a heavy indica strain I had picked up at a local dispensary. The weed seemed to complement and even to a degree amplified the opiate effects. Having taken larger doses since, I can confirm that this has been the case each time I mixed the two.

At higher doses the suboxone made me extremely forgetful (between that and the herb I had no short term memory at all), but I didn't feel as “stupid” as some painkillers generally make me feel. It was a much cleaner, more functional high than I've had with any prescription painkillers. I felt a bit uncomfortable doing yoga after taking ~2mg around because it tends to deaden the sense a little bit. I wasn't at the same pain threshold and felt that I could push myself much further, which would probably lead to injury, so I don't think I'll do that again. One more interesting thing that I should mention is that while doing yoga on suboxone I didn't feel any of the endorphin rushes I usually get after coming out of poses with deep stretches. Usually when I come out of the half moon pose to standing I feel an intense rush of endorphins akin to a mild painkiller or tame orgasm. With the suboxone there was absolutely nothing, which was disappointing.

Overall it was a good experience

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96001
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Sep 28, 2018Views: 2,982
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