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Discovering a Quick Trip
Citation:   James L.. "Discovering a Quick Trip: An Experience with Ketamine (exp96051)". Nov 12, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:30 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I have done many, many different types of drugs and love experimenting with new ones. My friend had gotten some ketamine and he asked if I would be interested. I had never done ketamine before, so I bought some off him and did some research on how to do it right.

I enjoyed the 'slightly drunk' descriptions that people say come with small doses, and I was already planning to go to a party that night, so I thought I would try that. I made sure not to eat for three hours beforehand to avoid any nausea. I had 150mg, which I split into two equal piles. I then split one of the two into a slightly larger and slightly smaller pile (I now had, eyeballing, three piles of 75mg, 45mg, and 30mg).

I got to the party, and a little bit after it got going (around 10:30) I snorted the smallest line, 30mg. It didn't burn at all, even less than cocaine, which I was very happy about. My friend asked me to go outside and take a smoke, which I accepted. While we were out there, I suddenly had this rush off euphoria wash over me. It really took me by surprise, but it was so pleasant I couldn't even care. It went away in about thirty seconds, but I noticed from then until I took the next line there was a distinctly different look of the world which I couldn't put my finger on. Everything was slightly off in some way.

At around 11:15 I snorted the next line, 45mg. Going back into the main room of the party I started dancing when another wave washed over me. It was stronger this time, which made perfect sense since the line was longer. Now I could clearly tell why the world looked so off. Everything had a distinct outline to it, like in a cartoon.
Everything had a distinct outline to it, like in a cartoon.
Also, my vision was slightly pink. Both of these were odd but neither pleasant or unpleasant.

I decided I would save the last line for when I got home. By about 12:15 all visual distortion was gone but I still felt foggy and a bit lethargic. I got home at about 2am and got ready to do the much larger dose.

I snorted it and laid down in my bed, just a light from the hallway coming into my room. I closed my eyes and waited. Suddenly, I realized I could no longer feel my legs, and my hands felt like stone, but neither of these were frightening. I closed my eyes and then opened them repeatedly and realized that things were brighter if I closed my eyes. From here on out, I remember everything happening suddenly and each event was very disconnected, so I will list exactly what I remember.

I was swimming under the water, then I saw myself laying in my bed. I stood up and the door began to move away from me, so I sat back down. When I closed my eyes, I could see writing but could not tell what it said. I was periodically rubbing my legs against each other, though I still couldn't feel them.

All of a sudden I was awake, and it was 10am. The images were still clear in my head, and I remembered the odd, out of body feeling that I experienced. It felt like I had been hallucinating for hours, though I remember looking at a clock and seeing it had only been about five minutes right before I must've fallen asleep.

I've done ketamine many times since and, all in all, I've found it to be a very rewarding drug when done properly. It provides a very exciting experience while not being too out of control. Just be careful with dosages; small changes make big differences.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96051
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Nov 12, 2017Views: 1,656
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Ketamine (31) : Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Various (28)

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