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Beneficial at Appropriate Dosage
Citation:   MilkSteakMaster. "Beneficial at Appropriate Dosage: An Experience with Phenibut (exp96073)". Feb 25, 2019.

3 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
This was my first time trying a nootropic. I have previous experience with marijuana, DXM, and LSA. After reading many personal experiences I decided to try phenibut. I dosed 3 grams into Dr. Pepper and consumed over the course of a half an hour. The stuff is very bitter, but definitely drinkable This was at 3pm.

T+1:00 not feeling anything yet, possible placebo relaxation.

T+ 2:00 it's starting to kick in very strongly. I have the reduction of peripheral senses like having had 3 or 4 beers. This actually helps me focus better when doing homework. Definitely loss of anxiety and slight buzzing. No exhaustion or slowed reaction like alcohol.

T+5:00 still going strong I am now extremely energetic and want to go run several miles (I'm not in the greatest shape, so several miles would be an intense work out). I end up working just in the house. Still studying for a test and the material seems very clear. Slight waves of euphoria coming in and out.

T+8:00 effects begin to ware off.

I ended up staying up all night to study for the test. Around 11am the next morning I started feeling very exhausted and nauseated. Probably due more to being sleep deprived, but I have heard 3 grams is a large first time dose. The sickness was unpleasent, but I can see using this at smaller dose in the future. Hopefully at smaller doses I can take it more frequently than once a week.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96073
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 25, 2019Views: 9,446
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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