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There Are No Effects
Zornia latifolia
Citation:   Wuotan. "There Are No Effects: An Experience with Zornia latifolia (exp96209)". Jun 27, 2018.

3 hits smoked Zornia latifolia (dried)
Maconha Brava Doesn't Work

In my recent pursuit of a legal alternative to cannabis, I have been researching various herbs and their effects. One such herb, Maconha Brava (Zornia latifolia), is being described by online vendors as the “False Marijuana” of Brazil as well as a hallucinogen. Further research indicated that it was a main ingredient in the “Spice” incenses that became popular. I ordered a quarter ounce online and waited until the evening to smoke it with my father.

The smoke was not only very smooth, but the taste and smell were not bad either. I felt a little blood rush and thought I might feel slightly more relaxed, but the effect was so faint it was barely above wishful thinking. My father felt no effects. Obviously we were disappointed.

Unfortunately there is little to no information online about the correct way to use this herb, so I understand that I may be the one at fault. However, I still have a difficult time believing this has been used as a mild hallucinogen. I am now of the opinion that this herb was called “False Marijuana” because despite its taste and smell, it isn't marijuana.. ...because there are no effects.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96209
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 27, 2018Views: 2,869
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Zornia latifolia (860) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), General (1)

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